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All comments

  • 101Amine 260



    It was really difficult for me to grasp how grids works and all, I'm new to css and I've always worked with flexbox and tried to dodge working with grids because they were really scary.

    After struggling for a while i went to see how the grid syntax work and all, I've watched a tutorial and here I am, I am happy that I overcome my fears and I stepped up, now i can understand how grid-area works and I fell in love with that, I think that i am gonna use it alot in the future.

    romila 3,570



    Hi @101Amine,

    Congratulations for 🎉 for completing another challenge, the CSS grid looks great and is responsive. It is also great that you used the right semantic. There are some suggestions I want to give:

    1. I'm not sure if you know or did it by purpose but on top of the people's names, there are numbers e.g. '11111'
    2. In mobile screen (375px), the Jonathon, Klara and Jeanette cards look quite squashed however Daniel's and Patrick's cards look great. I would suggest making it so that there is just 1 column in mobile screen.

    CSS Grid can be hard/difficult in the beginning however once you get used to it, it will come more naturally so it is great that you now understand the concept. Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • @VittorioDL


    I appreciate any suggestion to improve my code! Feel free to tell me what I could have done better.

    romila 3,570



    Hi Vittorio,

    Congratulations for 🎉 for completing your first challenge, the API looks great and is functional. It is great that you used the right semantic and the flex property to center the card. There are some suggestions I want to give:

    1. Your button is missing the type attribute
    2. Since you already gave your .container a max-width, you do not need to have a media query. Instead, you can give your body a margin property to prevent the card touching the side of the screen e.g. margin: 0 10px;
    3. Even though your API is functional on normal browsers, it won't work on Firefox without the clear cache e.g. fetch(URL, {cache: 'no-cache'})

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects 👍.

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Em-ee24,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your Time tracking dashboard component looks great, and it is great that you used CSS Grid to arrange the cards. I have some suggestions I want to address:

    1. Even though, it is great that you wrapped the main content within the main tag, you should also wrap the footer within the footer tag e.g. <footer class="attribution"></footer>
    2. Your images are missing the alt attribute which is essential for all images
    3. I noticed that all of your CSS and JavaScript is within your HTML file. I would recommend you using separate files as it will be easier for organisation.
    4. In desktop mode, you can use the flex property to center the card e.g.
    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh;
      flex-direction: column;

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Bruno,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your API component looks great, and it is great that you used flex to center the card. I have some suggestions I want to address:

    1. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. Since you have a max-width on your card, there is no need to use a media query.
    3. Even though your API is functional on normal browsers, it won't work on Firefox without the clear cache e.g. fetch(URL, {cache: 'no-cache'})

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects 👍.

  • romila 3,570



    Hi David,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your FAQ component looks great, and it is great that you used flex to center the card. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. To fix the background issue, you can change the value of height to 100vh so that it covers everything. Also, it is not good to give the body tag, a fixed width property such as 365px or 1440px as this will affect the inner content as well.
    3. I noticed that you took a desktop-first approach however I would strongly encourage you to use the mobile-first approach as it will help with responsiveness and rearranging/changing elements within your body. Also, it is best practice to do so.
    4. In the section tag, you need to use at least 1 header (any between h2 to h6) therefore, you should not nest your img tags within this semantic. You could use the picture tag instead.
    5. Regarding the functionality of your JS, it works however when you click on the same arrow again after it has already been clicked, the Q and A won't close.

    Overall, great work and project and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Lalit,

    Welcome to the frontend mentor community and congratulations for 🎉 for completing your first challenge, the card looks great. I found some issues I want to address:

    1. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. You are missing the title tag within your head tag e.g. <title>QR code component</title>
    3. Your img tag is missing the alt tag.
    4. Rather than using the margin-top property to center the card, you can use flex property instead e.g.
    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh;

    Overall, great attempt and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Dalibor,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your Grid component looks great, and it is great that it is responsive. There are some issues/suggestions I would like to address:

    1. Even though it is great that you wrapped the footer with the right semantic, you should also wrap the main content within the main tag e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. When adjusting the screen size from mobile to desktop, I would suggest removing the padding property on the body and write padding: unset; as this will cause the box to look very squashed. If you want to center the card in desktop, then I would suggest using the flex property instead e.g.
    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh;
      flex-direction: column;

    Your box-shadow looks quite strong therefore I would encourage you to change the value to something like this e.g. box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);. Also, I would encourage you to use a different background-color as one of the cards is white therefore, it would kind of blend it to the background.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi @mazinger086,

    Welcome to the frontend mentor community and congratulations for 🎉 for completing your first challenge, the card looks great. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. You should also wrap the footer within the footer tag e.g. <footer class="attribution"></footer>
    3. Rather than using margins to center the card, you can use the height property to allow the flex to work. e.g. min-height: 100vh;
    4. Since this challenge does not require making any responsive changes, you can remove the margins.

    Overall, great attempt and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Olumide,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your Time tracking dashboard looks great and is functional. Also, it is great that you used the right semantic for your code. It is great that you were able to do this from scratch without a tutorial. I have some suggestions I want to address:

    It is best practice to wrap the footer within the footer tag e.g. <footer class="attribution"></footer>

    JS: Regarding your JS, you could use the querySelectorAll() attribute by giving all of the hours, the same class and all of the last week hours, the same class, where you could insert the class into this attribute e.g.

    const numbers = document.querySelectorAll(".numbers");
    const hours = document.querySelectorAll(".hours");

    From there, you can use a for loop that will go through each box and insert the data in the right order e.g.

    const dailyBtn = = document.getElementById("daily");
    dailyBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
            for(let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
                numbers[i].innerHTML = data[i].timeframes.daily.current + "hrs";
                hours[i].innerHTML = data[i].timeframes.daily.previous + "hrs";

    If you do not know what a for loop is, I can give a brief explanation. A for loop contains 3 things, the initial value, the end value and the steps from the beginning to the end. Initially, the value of i is set to 0 and the final value of i will be less than the length of our .numbers which is 6 in our case as there is only 6 boxes. For reference, incrementing numbers is when numbers go up by one and it keeps adding its previous number e.g. 0 + 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 1 = 3. In this case, i starts with 0 and will keep adding 1 to its previous self until it reaches the length of .numbers which is 6. We include i into our numbrs, hours and data so that the JSON data loops through the hours and last week hours, in our HTML and CSS.

    Sorry, if this sounds confusing and long however once you get the gist of it, it will be easier to consume. Also, it will be easier when dealing with large data and forms since you can just loop through the inputs.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Tien,

    Congratulations for 🎉 for completing another challenge, the Chart component looks great, and I like that you used Chart.js, I used it too. There are some issues/suggestions want to address:

    1. Rather than using the margin properties to center the card, you can use the flex property instead e.g.
    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh;
    1. You can give the border-radius to each corner of the bars through using this code borderSkipped: false,
    2. When a user hovers over the bars, the color of the bars should give it a lighter opacity which can be done through using the hoverBackgroundColor property. This can be placed under the backgroundColor property.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • vikkyava 60



    How do I improve on the responsiveness of my project. I'll really appreciate your contributions to this.

    romila 3,570



    Hi vikkyava,

    Welcome to the frontend mentor community and congratulations for 🎉 for completing your first challenge, the product preview card looks good, and it is great that you used the flex property to center the card. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. I would highly recommend you following a mobile-first approach in future projects as it will be easier for responsiveness and changing/rearranging elements within your body. Also, it is best practice to do so. Therefore, rather than using max-width within your media query, you can use the min-width instead. Also, the value given to the max-width in your code is quite small so I would suggest changing it to a bigger value such as max-width: 800px however when doing so, I noticed that there is a blue background.
    2. In desktop mode, the size of the card is quite large, where it causes the user to scroll to see the whole card.
    3. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>

    Overall, great attempt and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Oleh,

    Welcome to the frontend mentor community and congratulations for 🎉 for completing your first challenge, the card looks good, and it is great that you used the flex property to center the card. However, I found some issues I want to address:

    1. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. To give your code a cleaner look through less code, you can do something like this:
    <main class="container">
       <img src="image-qr-code.png" alt="qr-code">
       <h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1>
       <p>Scan the QR code to visit Frontend Mentor and take you coding skills to the next level</p>  

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Taiwo,

    Welcome to the frontend mentor community and congratulations for 🎉 for completing your first challenge, the card looks great. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. Instead of using the background property, you can use the background-color property used in the section tag onto the body.
    3. I would highly suggest not to use too many margins and to center the card, you can use the flex property instead e.g.
    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh;

    Also, you used a lot of tags which can be reduced significantly to look something like this:

    <main class="container">
       <img src="image-qr-code.png" alt="qr-code">
       <div class="text-content">
          <h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1>
          <p>Scan the QR code to visit Frontend Mentor and take you coding skills to the next level</p>  

    Since this project does not require making any responsive changes, you do not need to use media queries, instead you can use the max-width property instead e.g.

    .container {
       max-width: 350px;
       width: 100%;
    body {
       margin: 0 10px;

    I included the margin property on the body so that the card does not touch the side of the screen.

    Overall, great attempt and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Raihan,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, the card component looks great and it is great that you used the flex property to center the card. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. Even though it is great that you used the main tag to wrap the main content, you should also wrap the footer within the footer tag and nest it within the body but outside the main tag.
    2. I would suggest you wrap your image within the picture tag as the article tag requires a heading (any header between h2 to h6).
    3. When using headers, it should be reduced by 1 however you used the h2 tag and then used the h5 tag. An approach you could take, is use the h1 tag for the title and then the h2 tag for the 'Annual Plan' but change the font-size to be much smaller.
    4. Your buttons are missing the type attribute

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Alcandris,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, the CSS Grid component looks great and is responsive. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. It is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>
    2. You should also wrap the footer within the footer tag e.g. <footer class="attribution"></footer>
    3. The buttons have a hover effect that is shown in the design provided with the starter-pack. Also, the buttons are missing the type attribute.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Nneoma,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, the FAQ component looks great and is responsive. Also, it is great that you used the correct semantic for the main content and took a mobile-first approach since this is best practice. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. You should also wrap the footer within the footer tag e.g. <footer class="attribution2></footer>
    2. I would not recommend using the section tag for the image, instead you should use the picture tag as this is semantically correct.
    3. Since you used the article tag to wrap the Q and A, you need to use at least 1 heading (any between h2 to h6). In your case, you can use the header for the question and the p tag for the answer.
    4. Regarding your question with the background, you just have to remove the colors that you repeated like this:
    body {
       background: linear-gradient(hsl(273, 75%, 66% , hsl(240, 73%, 65%) );

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Mohamed,

    To answer your question, I would strongly suggest taking a mobile-first approach instead of a desktop-first approach as it will be easier for responsiveness and it is also best practice to do so. Therefore, rather than using max-width within the media query, you can use the min-width and make responsive changes after a certain width.

    Also, it is best practice to wrap the main content within the main tag which would ensure that your content is wrapped within the correct landmarks e.g. <main class="container"></main>



    This challenge was quite interesting though i found some difficulties at the level of displayin the social media icons uppoon the share icon click. Any feedback would be highly welcomed .

    romila 3,570




    Congratulations for 🎉 for completing this challenge, the Article preview component looks good and it is great that you used the right semantic. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. I noticed that you took a desktop-first approach however I would strongly suggest you follow a mobile-first approach instead as it is easier for responsiveness, and it is also best practice to do so.
    2. The font-family can be found within the style-guide that is given to you when you download the starter pack.
    3. Instead of using position: absolute; to center the card, you can use the flex property instead e.g.
    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh;
      flex-direction: column;

    To make the share-icon functional, you can use the toggle feature within JS. The toggle feature is like an on/off switch that will show the icon when click and then close the icon when clicked again.

    Overall, great attempt and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Jeremy,

    Congratulations for 🎉 for completing this challenge, the Chart component looks great, and I like that you used Char.js, I used it too. There are some issues/suggestions want to address:

    1. Even though, you used the correct semantic for the header and the main content, you should also wrap the footer within the footer tag e.g. <footer class="attribution"></footer>
    2. Your HTML is missing the lang attribute e.g. <html lang="en"></html>
    3. Since you used the section tag, you should include a header, anywhere between h2 to h6.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Camille,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your API component looks great and is functional. Also, it is great that you used the right semantic for your code. I have some suggestions, if you don't mind.

    1. You can wrap your button within a button tag and can store the image within it, instead of a p tag as p tags should contain texts instead. Also, you can give the button, a cursor property to make it look more like a button e.g. cursor: pointer;
    2. Instead of using a media query, you can give the .card, a max-width property e.g.
    .card {
       max-width: 540px;
       width: 100%;
    body {
       margin: 0 10px;

    I gave the body a margin property to prevent the card from touching the side of the screen.

    Rather than using the margin-top property, you can use the flex property to center the card instead e.g.

    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh;

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

  • @TaskinSultana


    Thank you everyone who has commented in my previous solution...From your suggestions i have made few changes and completed this challenge again...Hopefully now everything is ok....Please do tell me if i have make any mistake....and I'd be grateful if you can give me some feedbacks to improve 🙏

    Thank you @correlucas for your really helps a lot :)

    romila 3,570



    Hi Taskin,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your Stats component looks great, and it is great that you used flex to center the card. Also, it is great that you used the right semantic for your code. I have some suggestions.

    1. To prevent the card from touching the side of the screen, particularly when adjusting screen sizes, you can give the body tag, a margin property e.g. margin: 0 10px;
    2. Also, I realised that you took a desktop-first approach since you used the max-width within your media query. I would strongly suggest you use the mobile-first approach as it will be easier for responsiveness and rearranging/changing the elements as you increase the screen size. It is also best practice to use this approach.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

  • romila 3,570



    Hi @Himanshu-Vishwas,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing another challenge, your NFT card component looks great, and it is great that you used flex to center the card. I have some suggestions/issues I want to address, if you don't mind.

    1. It is important to use the correct tags when wrapping your code as landmarks allow blind users, using a screen reader, to jump to sections of a web page. More about that here.
    2. In the design provided, the 'Equilibrium #3429' and 'Jules Wyvern' texts should change color when hovered to a cyan color. I would recommend using an a tag for this.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Rian,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, your Stats Card component looks great, and it is great that you used flex to center the card. Also, it is great that you used the right semantic for your code. There are some issues/suggestions I want to address:

    1. Within your section tag that contains the pictures, there is a picture tag. I would suggest removing the section tag and just wrapping the pictures with a picture tag like you did as section tags usually contain a header, anywhere between h2 to h6.
    2. I noticed that you took a desktop-first approach however I would strongly suggest you take a mobile-first approach since it will be easier for responsiveness and it is best practice to do.

    Overall, great attempt and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful

  • romila 3,570



    Hi Bitu,

    Congratulations 🎉 for completing another challenge, your Card component looks great, and it is great that you used flex to center the card. I have some suggestions/issues I want to address:

    1. It is important to use the correct semantics which I have mentioned in your previous challenge.
    2. To make your button look more like a button, you can use the cursor property e.g. cursor: pointer;
    3. According to the design, the price '$149.99' is quite large to make the price stick out and that it is on a discount.
    4. I noticed that you took a desktop-first approach however I would strongly suggest taking a mobile-first approach as it will be easier for responsiveness and changing/rearranging any elements within your container, as you increase the screen size.

    Overall, great work and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.

    Marked as helpful
