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  • @Robertron624


    What did you find difficult while building the project?

    Properly positioning both the cards and its internal dynamic text. It was really hard finding the proper way to position them in the position the design wanted to be

    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Roberto Ramirez😄, great job completing this challenge!! and yes this one should be intermediate level if we consider the form validation and CSS positioning... I have a suggestion for you

    1.limit the number of characters to 2 in the MM and YY fields and 3 in the case of CVC.

    1. Limit the number of characters to be accepted as input to 16 in case of card number


    I recommend you to add the regex to convert this number 1234567812345678 to this 1234 5678 1234 5678

    Happy coding😄👍🏻✅

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey slightly-functional😄, design vise you did a great job and functionality vise you can do better !! here are some suggestions

    1.Limit the number of characters to be accepted as input to 16 in case of card number

    2.Add Regex to convert the card number from this 1234567812345678 to this 1234 5678 1234 5678

    3.As for the p tags with the class name .field_feedback instead of adding them on error .. I suggest you to include them in HTML and make them display:invisible and upon error show them.. this would not cause the form container to resize...

    Happy coding✅👍🏻💯

    Marked as helpful

  • @KamalAborida


    I am not sure if the way that I made the complete state visible is the right way (best practice) or not. but, beside that everything was good

    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Kamal Osama😄, I have visited your site and here are a few tips to improve your site..

    1.on the desktop version: I suggest you to increase the size of input fields along with the size of cards..

    2.give the input fields a little more border-radius...

    3.limit the number of characters to 2 in the MM and YY fields and 3 in the case of CVC.

    1. Limit the number of characters to be accepted as input to 16 in case of card number


    I recommend you to add the regex to convert this card number 1234567812345678 to this 1234 5678 1234 5678

    Everything else looks great !! happy coding😄

  • Angel Lam 50



    I think the most difficult thing was making the modal and responsive design. Maybe I could have reset all values first before beginning. Should I have used animations or transitions for the modals?

    I am unsure of my Javascript function structuring.

    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey angel lam😄, the best way you can make responsive sites is by using the mobile first approach more about it here

    as for the error popping up in the above accessibility report , it is because you have used the nav for 2 times.. if you want to use the nav for 2 times you can do this

    <nav aria-label="Main navigation">
    <nav aria-label="Secondary navigation">

    Everything else looks great!! happy coding👍🏻✅

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Gabriel Gusso😄, great job here are a few tips for you.

    1.I see that you have applied only the desktop-image on both the desktop and the mobile versions.. you will find the image-hero-mobile in the images folder.. you can responsively change the image based on the media-query..

    2.You can use picture element here which helps you to switch between the images based on the media-query.. more about picture element here📚

    3.Increase the font-size for the h1 on the desktop version to match the design..

    hope that helps, happy coding💯🔥👍🏻

    Marked as helpful

  • @blairhb7


    The idea behind this project was to make this simple grid landing page, using react, typescript, and tailwind css.

    Even though I could have could have made this page using HTML, CSS. I wanted to challenge my React skills and see if I could get the same results using React. I did not spend to much time styling this page other then the given example, but I did map through an array of data for the content on the sidebar and the lower section articles.

    Welcoming all feedback thanks!

    Responsive Landing Page



    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Blair Chappell, great job here are some tips to help you improve the site..

    1.I see that you have applied only the desktop-image on both the desktop and the mobile versions.. you will find the image-web3-mobile in the images folder.. you can responsively change the image based on the media-query..

    2.You can use picture element here which helps you to switch between the images based on the media-query.. more about picture element here📚

    3.The hamburger menu is not aligned with all the mobile sizes.. and it doesn't seem to be working on click...

    if you really want to get good at react you can pick challenges with intermediate level of difficulty

    The transitions are the best part of your site great job!! happy coding

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey 😄zohaib, congratulations on completing the challenge... here are a few tips to make your site better.

    1.For the mobile menu which you gave class name of .navhid you can add the

    @media (max-width: 400px)
    .navhid {
        position: fixed;

    so that the mobile menu stays on the screen even when the user scrolls down..

    2.Add an overlay in the background when mobile-menu is opened.. more about the overlay here📚

    3.You can use picture element here which helps you to switch between the images based on the inbuillt media query.. more about picture element here📚

    every thing else looks great, happy coding😄✅👍🏻

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey 😄Yefree Valdez, congratulations on completing the challenge... here are a few tips to make your site better.

    1.As for design, you did a great job!! functionality vise you can add more validation to the site...

    case 1.when I am clicking on confirm button without filling in any input fields only the card holder name input field is showing a validation message.

    case2.when I am entering text in only card holder name and clicking on the confirm button only the card number is showing the validation error... when every other element should show the validation error.. hope you will fix these

    2.I think you forgot to add the / between the mm / yy on the card..

    Everything else is great!! hope that helps, happy coding💯🔥👍🏻

    Marked as helpful

  • @kiran1095


    Hello everyone,

    I have completed this chanllenge by using grid-layout.

    • When I have opened the navigation in mobile view, the background should be in blur state, I have done that using javascript to add class, is their any other way I can do this?
    • The last part of grid where I have three sections of images and texts, the images are not aligned properly, How can i do that?

    Please let me know your feedback and anything I can be updated, so that I also can learn about new things.


    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Kiran kumar😄, I have inspected your code and as for the blur I see you have added the class

    .blur_background {
      background-color: hsla(240, 100%, 5%, 0.3);

    to achieve the blur effect you can use the backdrop-filter property..

    .blur_background {
      background-color: hsla(240, 100%, 5%, 0.3);
      backdrop-filter: blur(3px);✅

    2.As for your second concern I have played around with the code to center items in the last part of the grid

    .block_01 {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: flex-start;
        gap: 1em;

    play around with the image size to match the site with the design..

    Hope that helps, happy coding✅😄👍🏻

    Marked as helpful

  • @sanba-anass


    inspired by Melvin Aguilar 🧑🏻‍💻 thanks for the beautiful challenge it's quiet a lot of code to write and i repeated my self multiple times but here we go at least idid my best 😅😅

    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey anass sanba😄, you made a super cool site.. loved the dark mode transition... here are a few things you can do to make it better..

    1.The mobile menu which you named as .menu is positioned absolutely... if I open the mobile menu and scroll it down it is scrollable.. to tackle that issue you can use

    .menu {
        position: fixed; 

    2.Add an overlay in the background when the mobile-menu is opened.. more about the overlay here📚

    Everything else is superb!! happy coding💯👍🏻✅

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Jerico😄, here are a few things to make the site design accurate..

    1.Add shadows to the grid sections.

    2.In the grid1 there should be quote svg which should be positioned absolutely to the grid1.

    3.reduce the border-radius for the sections or divs. the whole container. by adding height to the main

    main {
        min-height: 100vh;

    this has worked give it a try

    Happy coding👍🏻😄💯

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Camilo Martinez Campos😄, great job on completing the challenge!! you did well in both styling and functionality...I only thing I noticed which is not a good user experience is

    when I try to enter the card number like 1234567812345678 it is not accepting as a valid number.. I recommend you to use the Regex for this input to convert the 1234567812345678 to 1234 5678 1234 5678 let me know if you need help with the regex

    Happy coding✅💯👍🏻

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey brspkts😄, great job! here are a few suggestions to make the site better..

    1.the images on your site seems stretched or squeezed to fix that you can add the property of object-fit:contain.


    to make all the images contained.

    2.Make the .navbar positioned fixed like this

    @media (max-width: 712px)
    .navbar {
        position: fixed;

    3.I see that you have applied only the desktop-image on both the desktop and the mobile versions.. you will find the image in the images folder.. you can responsively change the image based on the media-query..

    4.Add an overlay in the background when mobile-menu is opened.. more about the overlay here📚

    hope that helps, happy coding💯🔥👍🏻

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Eman Ibrahim you did an awesome job!! regarding both functionality and the styling! I recommend you to change the styling for the button when it is hovered... when I hover on the button it is giving the feeling that it is disabled.. instead of what you did you can certainly play with the scale property of the button on hover!!

    Happy coding✅😄

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Florvin Bayaborda😄 great job!! everything looks great .. I suggest you add the box-shadow for the buttons like add to cart and check out buttons...

      box-shadow: 0 0.3125rem 0.625rem -0.125rem hsl(26deg 100% 55%);

    that should make you site design accurate!!

    Happy coding😄✅✅

    Marked as helpful

  • WD 200



    Quite a tricky one for me. I need help with styling the radio input in the html. Couldn't make the exact style shown in sample. I could do with any help.

    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey @WDSYX😄, great job!! you made a neat site..

    here is what you asked, the custom input radio button make sure you play around with it

    For the custom radio-button you can do something like this to acheive that

    .negotiate input[type="radio"] {
      -webkit-appearance: none;
      width: 15px;
      height: 15px;
      border: 1px solid var(--Dark-Grayish-Violet);
      border-radius: 50%;
      outline: none;
      box-shadow: 0 0 5px 0px gray inset;
    .negotiate input[type="radio"]:checked {
      background: var(--White);

    let me know if you need further help, happy coding✅😄💯

  • @KarenMascarenhasLourenco


    Is my code understandable?

    Did I use the semantic HTML tags correctly, should I add more or less?

    In what areas of my code can I improve on?

    All feedback is greatly appreciate. It helps me to improve as a frontend developer. Thanks!

    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Karen Lourenço😄, great job on completing the are a few tips to make your site better..

    1.I see that you have applied only the desktop-image on both the desktop and the mobile versions.. you will find the image-web3-mobile in the images folder.. you can responsively change the image based on the media-query..

    2.Using the picture element for responsively switching between Images is considered as best practice

      <source media="(min-width: 650px)" srcset="img_food.jpg">
      <source media="(min-width: 465px)" srcset="img_car.jpg">
      <img src="img_girl.jpg">

    more about picture element here📚

    3.This is your code

    .menu ul {
        position: absolute;

    I recommend you to use the position :fixed property so that the user cannot scroll it down.. site is still on the desktop version for the images with large can co some modifications..

    Hope that helps, happy coding✅✅😄

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey 😄robotamozepoczekac, congratulations on completing the challenge... here are a few tips to make your site better.

    1.As for design, you did a great job!! functionality vise you can add more validation to the site...

    case 1.when I am clicking on confirm button without filling in any input fields only the card holder name input field is showing a validation message.

    case2.when I am entering text in only card holder name and click on the confirm button only the card number is showing the validation error... when every other element should show the validation error.. hope you will fix these

    2.and as for the validation messages write the error message and use the CSS property

    display:invisble to make them invisible and when needed make them display:block this should solve the problem of page resizing frequently

    Hope that helps happy coding💯✅😄

  • @Tobbs101


    Difficult areas => Responsiveness with the image thumbnails.

    React, TailwindCSS



    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Tobi Idowu😄, great job on completing the challenge...

    1.I see that you have made the mobile-menu absolutely positioned but the user can open the menu and scroll.. and it will go up.. to tackle that issue you can use the position:fixed property. can make the header or nav bar sticky.. so that it stays stuck on the top on the mobile version..

    Happy coding👍🏻💯✅

  • @rockdoginafog


    Eveything works, I also changed some things, but brooo this code is like a spaghetti haha.

    I will sort it tomorrow, or later, I'm glad it's working, it was my first advanced challenge

    S MD suleman 3,530



    hey rockdoginafog😄, grea job!! here are a few tips to improve your site..

    1.I see that you used 100% of the width.. you can reduce it to 80 or 85% and leave the rest for margin.. to make it design accurate...

    2.on the mobile: when I open the mobile menu the filter: blur(5px) is not being applied to the nav-bar .. you can place the mobile-menu somewhere else to achieve that..

    3.The p element named as .number should have specific width so that it won't affect the whole page when clicking on + or** -**...

    4.Make the header sticky so that the user can see the items and the cart.. even when he scrolled down..

    5.You can add a carousel for the mobile version to change images based on button click...

    Hope that helps, happy coding💯👍🏻😄

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Noah Rodriguez😄, here are a few tips to make your site better...

    1.I see that you have applied only the desktop-image on both the desktop and the mobile versions.. you will find the image-web3-mobile in the images folder.. you can responsively change the image based on the media-query...

    2.I recommend you to use the picture element to change image based in media-query. more about picture element here📚

    3.You can add hover effects on many texts as you can see in the active state image in the design folder...

    4.The margin and padding on the nav-bar for the mobile version seem a bit much you can reduce that.

    5.When I am opening the mobile-menu and start to scroll down the x or the close svg is going upside.. you can remove scroll behvaiiour with the help of JS.. let me know if you need further help..

    Hope that helps,Happy coding👍🏻💯

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Anderson Santos Da Silva Filho😄, great job!! here are a few tips to improve your site..

    1.on the mobile version you the p-5 is causing to have unnecessary padding I suggest you reduce it.

    2.for the p below the h1 you can add the code to make it design accurate on the desktop

        padding: 0px 6rem 0px 0px;

    3.Add a br tag on the desktop version like this

    <h1>Make <br className="hidden xl:block"> remote work</h1>

    to match the design

    Hope that helps happy coding💯👍🏻😄

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey Taleb Sleiman😄, great job! here are a few suggestions to make your site better..

    1.On the mobile: you can add an overlay to the background when the mobile-menu is opened.. it would make your site cooler

    Everything else seems great!! happy coding👍🏻💯

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    hey 😄Melvin Nacfil, congratulations on completing the challenge... here are a few tips to make your site better.

    1.The p element named as .amount should have specific width so that it won't affect the whole page when clicking on + or** -**...

    2.I think you forgot to add the cart-svg to the add to cart button. and it would look great if you add box-shadow to that button. just like the design.

    3.Add the functionality🪛 of closing the mobile menu when user clicks on the overlay since most users click on an overlay to close the mobile menu... the attribution that would look good.

    hope that helps, happy coding💯🔥👍🏻

    Marked as helpful
