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All comments

  • Einars 60



    • Hardest thing was to get the "add to cart" icon aligned with text (still don't know how to achieve this without using absolute positioning).
    • Have no clue how to center the smaller old price tag to the right of the actual price.
    • Is there a better way to implement the "add to cart" icon?
    Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey , Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • You're using the span element too much.

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    To answer your questions.

    *1. The Add to Cart text and icon are both in the button. Just put them in it like this:

    <button class="btn" type="button"><img src="images/icon-cart.svg" alt="">Add to Cart</button>

    Then you can give the img some margins to create space.

    *2. For the smaller old price, you have to make sure both prices are under one parent elements. i.e.

    <div class="prices">
    <p class="original-price">$169.99</p>

    Then use this CSS:

    .prices {
    display: flex;
    margin: 20px;
    strong {
    font-size: 2rem;
    margin-right: 15px;
    .prices p{
    font-size: 0.8rem;
    margin-top: 12px;

    *3. Already answered in the first question.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Abdul Khalid 69,400



    Hello everyone..👨‍💻

    • This was an excellent challenge to train and improve my knowledge with grid & flex layout.
    • As always, i gave a personal touch to this solution
    • I tried to make my code as clean and readable as possible! If there's anything I can improve on this, I'd love to know!

    Things i tweaked up..🚀

    • Added shake animation for mail validation
    • Used scrollreveal.js on dom elements to animate them
    • Added a welcoming page, which greets the user

    Feel free to leave comments on how I can improve my code.

    Peace be upon you..✨

    Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @0xAbdulKhalid, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • Your design is so amazing. The animation makes it more attractive.

    • The project is not responsive enough for iPad and Tablet users (481px — 768px).

    • Some of the design is cutting out for the mobile users (320px — 480px) too.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @Kuraanal, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • Firstly, you did not upload your project properly on Github. Please watch this video for guidance

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • The project is not responsive enough. The width of the main element should determine where the media query should begin.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • Caleb 180



    Very happy with how this came out .would love to hear some feedback.

    Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @xdcron, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • You don't need a div for main-container when you already have the main element.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @Hermodesign, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    • This property background-color: hsl(212, 45%, 89%); should be under the body element to avoid the white space in the body.


    body {
    height: 100vh;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    background-color: hsl(212, 45%, 89%);

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @Spsingh0005, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    1. You're using about 3 different font-family that's making the required one for the project Montserrat not to work.

      • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @ecemgo, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Your solutions are top notch and I've learnt a lot from them.

    I noticed the top border-radius is missing from the mobile version.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • P
    visualdennis 8,295



    It starts with a loader animation, once you get to Thank You page, you can click on Thank you again to go back and forth between two pages/states.

    A challenge i've done while ago, so i'vent changed the old code, (e.g. conversion from px to rem etc) but i've just added some animations today.

    Animated Rating Component in React



    Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey , Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • The thanks page doesn't have the option to rate again.

    • 5 star rating is selected by default which shouldn't be the case.

    NB: I just started learning JS and I'm checking out some related projects here.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • jmjules 100



    I tried to use radio buttons so that my HTML is more semantic. For some Reason the content is slightly more to the left for Desktop in the given designs, which gave me difficulties in recreating the layout.

    Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Great work!

    You forgot to add the JS file on Github.

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @simplysabir, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @dragonanson, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @YaswanthSaiCh, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    • Also add a little margin to the bottom of the original price.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @nicolas-lukita, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @31-wtcr, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @Amadievans, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @Mecha-Mind, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @JoshuaAsistio, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @DoyeDesigns, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • To center items at body of a page, just do this:
    body {
        min-height: 100vh;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        display: flex;
    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @imbranatoInformatico, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @mlevrat, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • @LeLeoSK88


    My first challenge done, it took me some time to do it, I've been learning html and css for 2 weeks, and trying to do some challenges here, if anyone has any tips, any advice to improve, would be most welcome and thanks

    Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @LeLeoSK88, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • The button doesn't need any border. You need to remove it. Solution:

    .butt { border: none; }

    Keep doing a good job!

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @naitik-lodha, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @Matze9, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Adeola Ganiu 1,320



    Hey @Vinzz34, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Here is my feedback:

    • It's not a good practice to use px to set font-size. Instead use rem units, they are great since they adapt better to the font-size the user will set in the browser settings. You can convert from px to rem here:

    • Use <main> instead of a simple <div> to improve the semantics and accessibility on the page. Remember that every page should have a <main> block and that <div> doesn't have any semantic meaning.

    Keep doing a good job!

    Marked as helpful
