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    Interactive Card Details Form with HTML, CSS, and JS

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Although it was a relatively easy and straightforward project, I struggled to add the spaces in the card number both, in the card image and the card number input.

    I just wanted to ask this one question: How can I add the required spaces in the card number?

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    This was a pretty straightforward project but the thing I learned from this one is how to use mouseover and mouseout event listeners in javascript.

    I still have one problem though, when hovering over the bars, I want the data to be directly above the bars but the data seems to just stick at the top of the chart. Any suggestion on this or any other problem would be appreciable.

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    Completed it using Pure CSS, ReactJS, React-Router, and Framer-Motion

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I have updated the solution of this website and added animations using framer motion. The only problem it has now is that a weird white light flashes when changing the page for the first time.

    I know that it is because of the white background of the body element, but I cannot figure out how to fix it. It looks annoying and unprofessional. I hope someone might have an answer to this problem.

    I hope everyone would love this solution too.

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    Hi everyone! I am trying to make this project as responsive and resilient to viewport changes as I can but it is not going too well. It is only looking good on my laptop or any phone but not on a tablet or any desktop screen greater or smaller than 1440p. Even when I was optimizing for the 1440p display size, it was not as accurate as I was getting on my laptop. I would appreciate any suggestions regarding this or any other problem that a user can encounter in the app.