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  • Submitted

    Memory game made with Vue and Typescript

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    1. Testing: I've covered core game logic and some components logic with unit tests.
    2. Decoupling game logic from presentation layer for easy testing and refactoring.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    1. Responsiveness always takes me considerable amount of time, and there are some inconsistencies with the design left. I'm planning to tweak them in the future.
    2. I spend some time deciding on how to structure core logic module, and in the end I chose object oriented approach with inheritance.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    1. Code structure and OOP approach in src/core
    2. Any tips on responsiveness, especially css units and breakpoints.
    3. Vue code structure. I don't know if placing styling and logic in App.vue is acceptable, or should I perhaps move styling and logic somewhere else.
    4. Overall tips on organizing code.
    5. Any feedback is highly appreciated.
  • Submitted

    React JS, Typescript

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Ok, this is a first version of this challenge. Some improvements and tweaks are required, but first I would like to hear your opinion on the most important flaws. All opinions are welcomed. Cheers!

  • Submitted

    Any feedback is welcomed.

    I'm aware of a few problems :

    1. Focus state on mode switch is annoying on mobile, should exist only on desktop
    2. Currently due to some bugs, I had to remove option for preserving todos order after sort. I will think about solution later.
    3. I should probably set some min-width on few elements to preserve circle indicators shape.

    Accessibility issues are most important to me right now, but any other tips are appreciated.

  • Submitted

    Any feedback is always welcome. I have some doubts about layout in some resolutions ( e.g .1024 x 1366), since there is a lot of space at the bottom. Also, I'm wondering if those simple transitions that I added doesn't feel out of place.

  • Submitted

    This is my first approach to Vue 3 and new features. My code needs some polish, because it's little messy right now, so I will eventually refactor it. For now I'm mostly interested in feedback regarding responsivness, html semantics and general UX, but any tips and opinions are welcome.

  • Submitted

    I'm open to all feedback and critique. I know that my scss could be more concise, and html is little too bloated, plus my approach to handle the slider controls positioning is hacky at the moment. Also,naming thing in english is a real struggle for me. I'm curious what do you guys think about the responsivness and breakpoints that I set ?. For anyone taking the time to check out my solution: thank you. Cheers.