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  • @oliveiring


    The mobile footer is sort of broken, bro.

  • @oliveiring


    you'd to know how you deal with each background section?

  • @oliveiring


    nevermind I already quit!

  • @oliveiring


    hey the background section top and bottom I did everything I could to do it, but I didn't would ya me out real quick?

    one the code a user was #together{ background-img, background-size, background-position

    but it didnt work it

    Marked as helpful

  • Luis 930



    Hi everyone. This is another challenge I do. Feedback are welcome.



    I'mma try this one!

  • Luis 930



    Hi everyone. This is the second challenge using css grid. feedback are welcome. I would really appreciate it.



    When it comes to syntactically It's heck of great work. Plus the HTML is way better than my code, hands down.

    Marked as helpful

  • Igor 45



    Was a fun project enjoyed it a lot. I do think my css needs to be a bit more refined, so any advice concerning that or anything else you guys can see that I can work on.

    Also don't know if he will see it, but I want to thank @cganzon a lot. I learnt A LOT from the solution he posted, especially about hover effects and putting shadows on images, and just general structure of html & css.

    And of course for Front End Mentor for making all of this stuff possible. Believe all of you guys & girls will have a wonderful day further, and happy coding :)



    it was on the VR that I used it!

  • Igor 45



    Was a fun project enjoyed it a lot. I do think my css needs to be a bit more refined, so any advice concerning that or anything else you guys can see that I can work on.

    Also don't know if he will see it, but I want to thank @cganzon a lot. I learnt A LOT from the solution he posted, especially about hover effects and putting shadows on images, and just general structure of html & css.

    And of course for Front End Mentor for making all of this stuff possible. Believe all of you guys & girls will have a wonderful day further, and happy coding :)



    it was on the VR that I used it!

  • Hdev 215



    Feedbacks are welcome :)

    I didn't code the error msg (input). I don't know how to do it yet ^-^'' As soon as I get it, I'll update the code.

    Tks in advance



    It took me days on end to get done with the background image, It was definitely the harder part hands down.

  • Igor 45



    Was a fun project enjoyed it a lot. I do think my css needs to be a bit more refined, so any advice concerning that or anything else you guys can see that I can work on.

    Also don't know if he will see it, but I want to thank @cganzon a lot. I learnt A LOT from the solution he posted, especially about hover effects and putting shadows on images, and just general structure of html & css.

    And of course for Front End Mentor for making all of this stuff possible. Believe all of you guys & girls will have a wonderful day further, and happy coding :)



    hey i did use display block and none. but i don't you if that correct.

  • P
    ApplePieGiraffe 30,545



    Hello, everyone! 👋

    This is my first challenge with React and as usual, I learned a lot! 😆

    At first, I was pretty confused about how to organize the files in my project and I'm still unsure if my React is very clean in some places (since I just began learning React). My Sass turned out to be, well, kind of messy (and I'll keep in mind to use a better file structure next time because I simply created separate files for my components for this project). 😅

    On the bright side, I created this pretty sweet hover effect for the cards in the "Creations" section from scratch, and I quite like it. 😊

    Any feedback (especially on React) is welcome and appreciated! 😀

    Happy coding! 😄



    hey, I did use display none and block and It works, but I don't if that correct.

  • P
    ApplePieGiraffe 30,545



    Hello, everyone! 👋

    This is my first challenge with React and as usual, I learned a lot! 😆

    At first, I was pretty confused about how to organize the files in my project and I'm still unsure if my React is very clean in some places (since I just began learning React). My Sass turned out to be, well, kind of messy (and I'll keep in mind to use a better file structure next time because I simply created separate files for my components for this project). 😅

    On the bright side, I created this pretty sweet hover effect for the cards in the "Creations" section from scratch, and I quite like it. 😊

    Any feedback (especially on React) is welcome and appreciated! 😀

    Happy coding! 😄



    how to replace the img desktop to mobile?

  • @oliveiring


    There're some stuff on your code that needs fix it, Nevertheless is way hard to do something because there's no comment.

    Marked as helpful

  • Igor 45



    Was a fun project enjoyed it a lot. I do think my css needs to be a bit more refined, so any advice concerning that or anything else you guys can see that I can work on.

    Also don't know if he will see it, but I want to thank @cganzon a lot. I learnt A LOT from the solution he posted, especially about hover effects and putting shadows on images, and just general structure of html & css.

    And of course for Front End Mentor for making all of this stuff possible. Believe all of you guys & girls will have a wonderful day further, and happy coding :)



    Hi there!

    What did you do to put the paragraph next to imagen? Therefore I've been trying grid-are, But I'm not be able to get done.

  • @oliveiring


    how did you deal with the first section? it seems really hard to do it. Therefore I did try this good: #experiences{ grid-template-columns:repeat(2,1fr); display: grid; grid-template-areas: 'img img img img' 'img img img txt' ; .txt{ grid-area:txt; } .img{ grid-area:img; }


  • @oliveiring


    hey! man can you help me with the first section

  • @oliveiring


    how did you deal with the first section, did you use grid?

  • @oliveiring


    I've been trying to build this box between the main and footer, however I wasn't able to get done. so would you mind help me on that one, buddy?

  • @oliveiring


    It's good as heck buddy! Now,how do you solve the background image?

  • @oliveiring


    I did everything I could, but i did solve the problem. would you mind help me out?

  • @oliveiring


    how do you deal with the background dude, it seems really hard to do it?

  • Bronwen 70



    Yesterday I started this challenge and couldn't complete it. Today after some research I was able to complete it. Not a bad challenge at all.

    If you have any comments on where I can improve please feel free to let me know!

    Happy coding and Happy Learning!



    you could've use max-with:1000px; outside of the conteiner.
