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    🦊 Smoothly Animated Sign-up Form [Redesign] + [react-hook-form] 🦊

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS



    🔥 Another challenge with my own custom design on top the original fem design.

    • Landing Page Animation done in gsap.
    • Changing Words Animation done in vanilla JS.
    • Error Animations done in framer-motion (due to exit animations)
    • Input Field Animations done in vanilla CSS.

    For optimum animation experience, recommended viewing dimensions: 1440x800

    • I've built the form using react-hook-form for functions and yup for validation.
    • Modal component built by using Dialog component by headlessui
    • The placeholder text for terms of services generated by ChatGPT (who would have written all that text anw :) )

    It is also responsive for mobile.

    And finally with this submission, i've officially completed all newbie challenges 🔥

  • Submitted


    🔥 I've implemented my own custom design on top the original fem design and used GSAP to animate all elements in a timeline sequence. For optimum animation experience, recommended viewing dimensions: 1440x800. On desktop, after a while background image fades into a new one infinitely.

    It is also responsive for mobile. There might be some slight issues for tablet still.

    This time I've also added a little email validation using REGEX.

    [PS. If you have set prefers-reduced-motion to true - it wont animate]

  • Submitted

    👾 Animated Interactive Comments | React | Dark Mode | Switch Users 👾

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    🔥 Here is my 30th Challenge! This was fun and tricky! 🔥

    • Built in React and made use of Context API for state management.
    • App is fully responsive for all devices.
    • As usual the data JSON is being hosted online on so i fetch using axios. Sometimes the server is overloaded, you might need to refresh couple times.

    I've added some more features to the challenge:

    • You can switch between logged in users by clicking avatars top-right. So you can create comments, replies from perspective of different users.
    • I've developed a VOTE system (was the trickiest part for me), so multiple users can vote, change their votes and when switched users, the vote scores and the users vote are persisted between user switches. (Votes are stored as an object)
    • Added some cute loader animation on initial load.
    • You can toggle Dark/Light modes.

    This is still a work-in-progress, next i plan to refactor my code using useReducer and tidy up the function, improve accessibility/semantic stuff, localStorage implementation, perhaps a notification system for users when they are being replied to, a function for real/dynamic timestamps.

    If anyone interested in how i've built this step by step, i recommend checking MY WORKFLOW

    Hope you guys like the final result ♥️

  • Submitted

    This challenge was a nice project to practice state management of the whole app with Context API, storing all the data at the top level and retrieving it from grandchildren without prop drilling. Initial data is rendered dynamically from data.js

    Step transitions are smooth with subtle fade-in animations. Clicking on plans or add-ons also produce some little ripple effect 🔥

    Note: This was built some while ago, so with my current knowledge, i'm aware that the code needs some changes regarding best practices and some more improvements in terms of semantic HTML etc. Also the form validation is basic. (not checking for @ etc., type number for phone etc.)

  • Submitted

    Desktop, Tablet, Mobile layout using CSS Grid (grid-template-rows/grid - grid-template-columns) and dynamically rendering data from data.js. I've added a working mobile menu and the Image Carousel can slide in both directions.

    Note: This was built some while ago, so with my current knowledge, i'm aware that the code needs some changes regarding best practices, such as avoiding using fixed heights (height: 100vh) and some more improvements in terms of semantic HTML etc.

  • Submitted

    Was a fun challenge, was coded from some time ago, so i'm fully aware that HTML could be improved more.

    I have not included the localStorage and update functionalities this time.

    To add item, instead of pressing enter, one needs to click on the circle in the input field.

    Anw. Hope you guys like the result🐣

  • Submitted

    Animated & Dynamically Rendered Expenses Chart with CSS GRID

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    A challenge i did while ago, but i've added now some animations on top.

    The height of expense bars are dynamically calculated. The bar with highest value is also calculated dynamically and displayed in blue.

    Hope you guys like the final result! 🐱

  • Submitted

    Animated Rating Component in React

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    It starts with a loader animation, once you get to Thank You page, you can click on Thank you again to go back and forth between two pages/states.

    A challenge i've done while ago, so i'vent changed the old code, (e.g. conversion from px to rem etc) but i've just added some animations today.

  • Submitted

    A challenge i've done a while ago. trickiest part was the updating the list based on multiple category criteria. I've solved this with the help of a simple built-in JS function/method called every()

    I'm displaying the data dynamically, but the JSON file is hosted locally. To retrieve this data, i used a helper library called: json-loader and the imported data as a default export like so:

    import data from './assets/static-job-listings-master/data.json'

    Finally added some mini animation effect for the updating list items, using a CSS only animation library called AOS.

    Hope you guys like the solution! ✌️🐱

  • Submitted

    Responsive Stats Preview Component with Animation in React

    • HTML
    • CSS


    I had a very different animation vision for this challenge, but it turned out too complex so i just settled down for a very basic animation in the end. Maybe i update it later on sometime. Hope you guys like the final result :)

  • Submitted

    Profile Card in React + Animations with Framer Motion

    • HTML
    • CSS


    Here is my solution. This time i've converted all px values into em for accessibility. Added some mini animations on top. Hope you guys like the solution.

  • Submitted

    Responsive Notifications in React + Cloudinary + Animation + Axios

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    In this challenge, i've tried to build it as dynamic as possible. JSON Data is hosted online for free, which includes links to image assets that are hosted on Cloudinary CDN Platform. In my app, i'm fetching the data using axios library. Finally, i've added some little animation using framer-motion. Hope you guys like my solution! :)

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

  • Submitted

    In this project, i've used Axios Library to fetch data from the API endpoint. For fun, i've also added fetching data from random cat gif api that is displayed below advices, to make it more interesting. Hope you guys like it.

  • Submitted

    Responsive Results Card in React + Framer Motion + Axios + Cloudinary

    • HTML
    • CSS


    I've spent more than a half day on this newbie challenge :D Because i've added up quite a bit on the given challenge to practice some more stuff, so i've built this component by using React, uploaded image assets to cloudinary CDN network, uploaded JSON Data to to host my data and fetch it using axios library. I've used Framer-Motion to animate the whole thing. I've learned how i can export/import motion.div props from an external JS file and use/manipulate them by destructuring. Pretty happy with the result :)

  • Submitted

    Here is my solution to FAQ Component. I did pass the questions data dynamically. I've also added JS logic to make other open sections to collapse when a new one is opened. Feedbacks are welcomed!

  • Submitted

    Here is my attempt at QR Code Card using React and plain vanilla CSS. I gave the QR img a fixed width of 285px, as it looks like from the design its enough for both mobile and desktop devices without any media query or so. All feedback is welcome ofc :)