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  • shalri 390



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Implementing this challenge with NextJS made it more interesting. It gave me a broader scope for learning.

    I had so much fun with this challenge. It was challenging but well worth it. I am pleased with how I implemented the logic for the app. This really helped me develop a deeper understanding of hooks.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I still need to practice coding forms and using Typescript. Hopefully, these challenges will help me improve my proficiency.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I am good for now. Learning so much from these challenges!

    visualdennis 8,355




    your solutions looks great and visually quite pleasing :) I like the smooth hover effects. One thing I'd like to suggest is, currently there seems to be a lot of useStates created. But since they are related states, they can be grouped together as an object. Something like this: const [state, setState] = useState({ bill: null, tipPercentage: 0, numberOfPeople: 0, customTip: "", tip: 0, total: 0, });

    This will make the state management cleaner and reduce the number of state updates, which can improve performance. Also it will be easier to keep track of what to update and when, and most importantly, keep them synced. I recommend digging this source as well on this topic:

    Hope this helps and keep up the great work! :)

    Marked as helpful

  • Hira 130



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Proud of using some new animations ,some pseudo class elements(actually always forget the difference bw pseudo elements and pseudo classes 😁 plz explain it to me),and using JSON data file...

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    1=> I find it extremely difficult to make the website responsive to all screen sizes i just made to y screen then to min width of 375 px .... please share some techniques to make it responsive easily and share some resources to me where i can learn the responsive techniques .(is there any tool which could make the website responsive by it self by giving it the code of one screen size 😂 ) 2=> I always try to Make the code as short as possible as i think this is good approach and makes execution fast .is it a fact or just my myth😌 ..please check my code for any improvement in logic or cleanliness 3=> I found it difficult to make the bar on hover display "another" element popup in CSS so I had to write long code in js. pleaseeeeeee🙏 share a way to do it in css 5=> In the script.js file the last part commented out is not working for me why ?

    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello Hira,

    To answer few of your questions: Pseudo-classes: define a special state of an element (e.g., :hover, :first-child). Pseudo-elements: style specific parts of an element (e.g., ::before, ::first-line).

    For mobile and general avoid giving fixed widths like 35px for the individual bar. they should be like 100%, and you can use display:grid for the #bars. E.g.: display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(7, 1fr); /* Create 7 equal columns */ and remove the fixed widths from the grid-items. And also add a max-width if you want for the bars so that they don't get too wide.

    as for the JS part. couldn't look in depth but, e.g. const popups = document.querySelectorAll(".popup"); is declared but not used since it is locally scoped inside the event listener func of DOMContentLoaded. Also I think instead of all those mouseOut event listeners, a simple :hover in CSS could suffice. Leading to cleaner and concise code.

    Hope this helps and keep up the great work! :)

  • MarieG41 210



    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I'd like some help for the Javascript part. I can make the second slider appear and the first one disappear, but I can't make the first one appear again.

    const prev = document.querySelector('.prev');
    const next = document.querySelector('.next');
    const testimonialOne = document.querySelector('.One');
    const testimonialTwo =document.querySelector('.testimonial-2');
    function nextTest() {
            next.addEventListener('click', function() {
    function PreviousTest() {
        prev.addEventListener('click', function() {
    visualdennis 8,355



    Salut Marie,

    first of all, there is a typo inside ur second func: testimonialOne.classlist.remove('hidden'); it should be classList, which causes the problems.

    Secondly there is no need to wrap ur eventlisteners into a function just to call them. Also, it's better practice to set up your event listeners outside of the function definitions, ensuring they are added when the DOM is fully loaded, smth like so:

    const prev = document.querySelector(".prev"); const next = document.querySelector(".next"); const testimonialOne = document.querySelector(".One"); const testimonialTwo = document.querySelector(".testimonial-2");

    function nextTest() { testimonialTwo.classList.remove("hidden"); testimonialOne.classList.add("hidden"); }

    function previousTest() { testimonialTwo.classList.add("hidden"); testimonialOne.classList.remove("hidden"); }

    // Set up event listeners

    next.addEventListener("click", nextTest);

    prev.addEventListener("click", previousTest);

    Hope this helps! :)

    Marked as helpful

  • @WasiArshad


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This project put me the extra pressure and that's leads me to work hard get to know many new things in the different ways.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I was unable to show popup button seamlessely but later on I tried and learn from other third party websites.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I can me more helpful in the HTML and CSS .

    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello there,

    great job completing this successfully! Few suggestions for further improvements:

    • Add a little bit more gap between 'Share' and button icons.
    • No need to choose headers based on their size, e.g. h5 to get a smaller. Headings on a page should follow an order, h1 , h2 etc. and use CSS to change their style.
    • Consider using media queries to add responsiveness for mobile view.
    • Variable naming in JS looks a little confusing, as one would except 'buttons' would be multiple buttons, but you are just selecting one button, so better to name as 'button' etc.

    Hope these recommendations are helpful!

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello Olena,

    great solution, looks almost identical to the design :)

    there seems to be some areas to improve on regarding best practices of accessibility. For example: setting a fixed height like max-height: 450px; to a text containing element might cause various issues like content overflow with changing data or when user changes base font size on their device etc.

    Also, for similar reasons it is better to use responsive units like rem/em than px.

    there is also a great article about this particular FEM Challenge, showing and explaining best practices: Product Preview Card, feel free to check it out :)

    Hope you find this feedback helpful! Keep up the great work!

    Marked as helpful

  • Jo Young 840



    This challenge was completed with:

    • dark and light theme toggle
    • the ability to switch users that also comes with a tiny bit of animation
    • pop-up alerts when users try to send an empty response or vote more than once
    • sync data with localStorage for any CRUD operations

    Due to this challenge's multiple state management requirements, I used a lot of function declarations, instead of function expressions, which I understand is not ideal. Also, there still might be some bugs lying around. Nevertheless, I had fun drilling my Javascript skills.

    visualdennis 8,355



    Hey Jo,

    great work! This one is a quite tricky challenge and u have did an amazing job :)

    There seems to be little issue with the vote system. Once u vote, if u can only cancel that vote but u cannot vote the opposite way. E.g. if u upvote, it goes up to 5, but if u downvote it never goes to 3, which should be the case. I've listed here Vote System States. Also i dont think it is necessary to put an explicit warning to a user. The standard practice on web is to toggle when clicked twice, instead of a pop up alert.

    Its also very nice that u added little menu to switch users. I've also initially wanted to make a menu like u and display users with animation onClick, then i thought since this is a demo, people might not spend time much, so i wanted to make it very explicit. But if it was a real-world thing, i'd hide them into a menu too.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful! Keep up the great work ;)

    Marked as helpful

  • Adriana 60



    Project built with:

    • Flexbox
    • Grid
    • Mobile-first design
    • CSS custom properties

    I had hard time deciding where the mobile view would change to desktop, so I added design for tablet in the middle.

    I'll appreciate any feedback!

    visualdennis 8,355



    Great work Adriana!

    you can add breakpoints anywhere you need, the given design images with 375px and 1440px show only how the app should look like at that particular browser width, so you are free to choose where to add breakpoints. It is usually best to check the look of your app for sizes as small as 320px and up to 2500px. Adding tablet is always recommended. Keep up the good work!

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello Mermaido,

    Good effort! I've couple of suggestions to improve further:

    first, u need to change your html structure, not the body but a <main> should be the container for these elements and do not give any fixed height, only a max-width is enough. You can make the image width:100%, which will grow as much as it can until it hits containers max-width. You can then add a padding so there is little white space between image and the containers borders.

    To center the QR card inside the body, u can use display: grid; place-items: center; min-height: 100vh;

    I also recommend you to check my solution for the QR code for further ideas: SOLUTION LINK

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!:)

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Amazing job Mikolay! You are clearly talented and make very fast progress. Keep pushing your boundries 🔥

    Small tip when submitting: you can temporarily turn off the animations on your code before taking a screenshot on FEM, after you generated the screenshot here you can enable the animation in your code again so the live demo has animations. This way, all parts of your app will be visible in the screenshot.

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Great job with the creative touches in this one! Always love to see the work of people who keep pushing the boundries, keep it up that way and looking forward to see more 🔥

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hey Reymart!

    Great job on completing this complex challenge successfully! Final result looks good.

    Few suggestions to improve further:

    • Ideally, users should be increase/decrease the vote number only once but currently one can upvote the same comment infinitely.
    • Every clicking on "Reply" keeps opening new input field, it would be better to use a toggle logic instead, where first click on the button displays the add comment input field and the second click hides it.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

    Marked as helpful

  • Sandra 60



    Sweet task. Good for practice. For beginners.

    QR code exercise



    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello Sandra :)

    congrats on completing the challenge successfully! Nice result.

    However there seems to be couple issues to work on. To name a few: Giving a height: 60vh; is not a good idea, because it will stretch and squeeze depending on the screen size and cause unwanted paddings etc. It is best to avoid giving any fixed height or a height using percentages like this, instead just let the content of container determine the height. Use paddings and margins instead to tweak the look.

    The color of the body text seems to be too bright, so using a darker value would improve the contrast and reability.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

    Marked as helpful

  • Michelle 20



    Learned a lot with this project, such as the use of % instead of px when it comes to container sizing and making it responsive.

    I'd like to know if there's a better/more efficient way of writing the code and the css than what I had done. The limited knowledge I do have, I did it in a way that made sense to me, but open to suggestions for future projects.

    visualdennis 8,355



    Hey Michelle,

    congrats on completing the challenge successfully! Very neat job.

    Using width:50% on the container causes it to squeeze a lot when resizing the browser, while there is still enough space. Instead i'd suggest using width:100% but a max-width: some-value-in-rem. and add a small margin so it does not touch the edges of the screen.

    There seems to be some room for improving the design as well. The title "Your Result" should be something like white so it has enough contrast with the background. Also the background color of the page does not seem harmonious with the rest of the design, so i'd suggest keeping it cleaner by using something more neutral and closer to white.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

  • @3eze3


    Hi, I have finished this challenge on forms, I really liked to do it, I had problems with the design when implementing it with js, if you could give me advice on the design and functionality in general, I would appreciate it very much. Happy coding ❤

    Intro Component Form 🔱



    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello Ezequiel,

    congrats on finishing the challenge successfully! Looks very neat!

    regarding design, the body text color seems to be mismatching the design, it supposed to be brighter and whiter. The currently used gray has very low-contrast to the background, so its harder to read.

    on certain browsers widths, the form inputs etc. get too much squeezed due to huge padding-inline of 12rem. Instead u can use an approach like margin: 0 auto; max-width: 68.75rem; on the container of the two columns. or set the breakpoints higher so it changes layout before it starts to break.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

    Marked as helpful

  • Saad Hisham 1,750



    👋 Greetings, fellow developers! I wanted to share that I had a blast completing this challenge. It took me 3 hours and 2 cups of coffee ☕ to create the layout using Bootstrap, and I used React with Framer Motion for the animations. 🚀 I also used SVG to create animated text. 💥 Finally, I wanted to thank Sir Dennis for inspiring the animation from his Solution. 🙌 I included his name and LinkedIn account in the footer. Thanks for checking out my project! 😊👍

    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello Saad,

    thanks a lot for the shoutout and happy to hear that you were inspired by my solution! :) Good job implementing with the framer-motion!

    When resizing on desktop, the image gets distorted, so you can prevent that by using object-fit: cover; on the img element. You can also add some easing to the animation to make it smoother and natural looking.

    At the bottom part of the letter 'W', there seems to be some weird shapes in the svg, idk why that.

    Also i think it is better to avoid using fixed/absolute values like "600"px for the initial value of the image, cuz depending on the screen size, parts of the image is visible on initial load. Consider using something more responsive, maybe percentage etc.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful and keep up the great work!

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hey Alex,

    great work completing this tedious challenge only in vanilla JS! It seems there is a bug about the win condition, the very first connect four is not counter, only starting from 2nd connect for, it starts to count wins for players. Also i believe after one connect 4, the game should end and don't let user to continue, instead restart the new game. But i guess u are already aware of these bugs.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

    Marked as helpful

  • @0xabdulkhalid


    👾 Hello, Frontend Mentor Community,

    This is my solution for the Interactive Rating Component.

    • 100% Accessible solution with form integration, you check by pressing tab key along with & to traverse your rating selection finally hit enter to submit your result
    • Learned the usage of fieldset, legend, & radio input elements to build well accessible form
    • Scored 99.5% on Google Pagespeed Insights! 🤩
    • Actually it's been overwhelmed at this part because of performance issues. So i injected the css and js inside the html file itself to improve site performance. results 86% => 99.5% 🚀
    • Used Prettier code formatter to ensure unified code format ⚙️
    • Layout was built responsive via mobile first workflow approach 📲
    • Had a lots of fun while building this challenge ! 🤠
    • Feel free to leave any feedback and help me to improve my solution 💡


    👨‍🔬 Follow me in my journey to finish all newbie challenges to explore solutions with custom features and tweaks

    Ill be happy to hear any feedback and advice !

    visualdennis 8,355



    Feels elegant and smooth. Great job with it. Only a minor detail, which i've believe you have forgotten is to add cursor: pointer; to the hover states of radio btns to indicate user that they are interactive elements. Keep up the good work!

    Marked as helpful

  • Jo Young 840



    This is my first time doing a loading page. I don't own 100% of the design's originality. I took design references and combined/adapted them from different sources (references listed under my file). I just want to learn how to integrate some of these components/animations into my solution. The hovering transition for the login and register buttons is somehow not very smooth. Not sure if it is because the CSS conflicts with Bootstrap's default settings.

    visualdennis 8,355



    Looks like a neat job! Unfortunately page does not load for me, the loader is stuck endlessly, saying transferring data.. :/

    Judging by the screenshot, i like the gradient you have used, however i think the yellow color in the provided image does not go very well with it, too many tones and colors on a single page. I'd suggest using an alternative image decorated with shapes but with no more than a single color. Also the constrast between paragraph and background seems to be a bit low, as well as nav text having diff color than heading/paragraph makes it look a bit inconsistent.

    Keep up with the creative work and experimenting!

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Great job both in redesign and implementing the animation ideas to your project! Weiter so!!

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hey Kinga,

    very nice work with the stats preview card!

    I have a suggestion regarding the color filter on the img:

    • remove opacity: 0.7 and filter:brightness(0.8) from the .image-container.
    • instead add to .image-container img { mix-blend-mode: multiply; opacity: 0.75;}

    and now it should look much closer to the actual design :) Also add object-fit: cover; to the img to prevent it from being distorted.

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hallo Mikolay,

    apart from the web performance issues, great job in implementing your own ideas on top your inspiration :) Lots of nice little touches and details, e.g. bg moving around with cursor position and the rapidly flashing images changing layout is an interesting take!

    Unfortunately your source code on github does not include the JS file you have written yourself, only the minified version. Otherwise, i could give more feedback maybe.

    Keep up the great job and creativity!

  • Jo Young 840



    Another API challenge completed! This is much tougher than the advice API generator app challenge because of the number of errors or conditions to check for, against each user's GitHub data.

    Unlike the advice API, this GitHub API requires an authentication key thus for security reasons (because I have not learned enough about the backend side), I have removed my auth. key temporarily so the search will not work on your side. Technically, with .gitignore, you can hide your key but any script that is stored on the client side instead of the server side, with a link to a key, is still not very safe. Thus, if you want to test the code, you gotta get your own auth key from GitHub and add it to a config.js file.

    Nevertheless, the light and dark toggle and the media queries should still work. I will come back to modify it once I learn the backend side.


    visualdennis 8,355




    great job again!

    I don't understand why it requires auth from you, this should simply work without any auth; I've also just tested it now by entering this link in URL bar in an incognito browser and it returns the data as usual without me having logged in at all.

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hey Vlad,

    final result looks good 💜 it needs few tweaks: Firstly, you need to make your main container as position: relative, so that your absolutely positioned element is relative to that instead of body. Because there is no need to make that little avatar image behave like a direct children of the whole page. After that simply tweak the top value from 36% to 25% and you are good to go :)

    For bg patterns, i recommend checking out my solution here

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    visualdennis 8,355



    Hello Anna,

    your code is neatly organised and the result looks great!

    However the animation seems to cause little issue at the beginning. On the initial load, because of how framer-motion works, it simply pushes all other elements of spending_infoWrapper__twylt to shifts down, which i don't think is the intended behaviour. Adding a min-height to the chart_wrapper__uoUU4 should fix it. I noticed the same problem when i was doing this challenge, so this has worked for me.

    • Speaking of heights, you should try to avoid giving fixed heights or max-height to any text containing elements such as spending_wrapper__bt0no . The height should be determined by the content of containers. Also usually max-width instead of fixed width is better.

    • Relatedly i'd suggest you to avoid using px, better option would be to use the responsive em/rem. Here is a great resource on YT for clarifying all the differences between rem/em and explain why to use them:

    Hope you find this feedback helpful!

    Marked as helpful
