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    Nice project!

    I've also add a little Tablet layout to prevent evrything from spreading to much.

    I guess it's not bad at all. What do you think?

  • Submitted

    I'ld like to have some feedback, especially on the JavaScript code. If there is a simple and cleaner way to make it, 'cause mine is a mess.

  • Submitted

    Nice challenge. Really happy to have completed it without big problems.

  • Submitted

    Hey There! Just finished my first JavaScript challenge!

    This challenge helped me to improve my JavaScript knowledge studied weeks ago.

    I've had some little problem to find the right solution to make work the If statements, if someone have some feedback or tips to make it cleaner or better, I'm here!

  • Submitted

    Hey there people!

    Here is probably my best project here on Frontend Mentor. I've been on this for awhile and the result is fine.

    I've tried with all my knowledge to do as clean as possible the code.

    Super proud of it, especially for the grid layout where I studied and improved on how to set it, the columns, the rows and the gap. Used the flex layout too, only for the mobile version.

    I just changed few things from the original design (h1,h2, font-weight)

    I would appreciate some feedback on it :)

    EDIT: Just updated my code. I replace the old map (the image) with the "interactive" one from leaflet with js (using a tutorial, I'm still not good with js) and changed the <button> (now the Report shouldn't report any issue with the code) and its hover effect. In addition I changed the grids margins. Now it looks better, I guess :)

  • Submitted

    Really nice and funny challenge!

    I tried to make this landing page super responsive on almost the most (common) screen. But I'm not sure of what I've done. SO!

    • I did maybe too many '@media screen', but I'm sure there is another (and right) way to make it responsive as well, without using tons of lines code.

    • Had some problem with the orange square (in my code '.info'). I was undecided if I should use 'position: absolute;' or 'position: relative;'. By the way, I think that was not the better choice.

    That's all, people! I would be glad if anyone would leave some feedback (or suggestion), specially on the first point.

  • Submitted

    Okay, this one was a little bit tough in the desk version. But probably its my best work.

    I used the flex layout e and for the first time the function 'flex-wrap: wrap;', and it was good to improve in other flex specifics. As I said, the desk version has been tough, indeed the @media query code is a mess and much longer than I aspected.

    Have always the same problems with %, em units. I probably still don't know how to use them in the right way.

    By the way, take a look to my code and let me know if I could have done it better.

    I'ld love to get some advice (specially on the units as I said above).

  • Submitted

    I've been on this challenge for 2 days or more. I tried everything to make it super responsive putting in it %, em units. But it doesn't work as I would. And I know the code could be shorter and clear than this.

    I've some serious problem with %, em, rem... its not clear at all to me.

  • Submitted

    Used Grid for this challenge for the first time.

    Really though for me, and a I don't even know if it's a good code or if I could do It better. Any advice on how do it better would be appreciated.

  • Submitted

    Okay, guys! I did this challenge using Flexbox....but I would like do it again with the Grid, but I'm still not into it.

    I'd love someone to give me some advice on how to set it up, using always the same HTML lines code.

  • Submitted

    Another challenge done. This was preatty easy.

    But I still need any of your advice to improve my code style or mistakes. To make it shorter as well.

    P.S. - Need some feedback on the em/px units too, thanks a lot

  • Submitted

    That's it, guys! I took some time to make this challenge

    I made a Readme file too, where you can take a look on how was my process and where I could improve.

  • Submitted

    Still not happy with the final result. Some feedback to improve will be appreciated

  • Submitted

    Hi there! I'm Angelo a this is my first work ever. Just one month has passed since I've start learning HTML/CSS by myself, so I'm super open to every good/bad feedback.

    P.S. I'm from Italy, then I'm so so sorry for my bad English.