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  • @Simplyvoda


    My first time fetching API's, please any feedback would be appreciated :) Thank you !!



    Hi Vodina,

    ** congrats on fetching data through API 🎉🎉🎉**

    I just saw your code and here is one suggestion for you. Always handle errors on your API calls

        fetch('').then((data) => {
            // console.log(data);
            return data.json();
        }).then((adviceData) => {
            // console.log(;
            document.getElementById('advice-id').innerHTML =;
            // console.log(adviceData.slip.advice);
            document.getElementById('advice-box').innerHTML = adviceData.slip.advice;
            console.log("do whatever you want with this error", err)

    Hope this helps, Thanks Happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful

  • Rimsha 240



    Hi Frontend Mentor community! Here is my solution to the rest countries api challenge with dark and light theme.

    Difficult part Fetching borders data and integrating with existing country data was a hard part for me in this challenge. I should have used routers from start for that but still I have done it without react router dom. Please give your suggestions on improving my code or any advice.

    Built With

    • React
    • Bootstrap v5 (It turns out to be a great choice for this challenge)

    Thank you. Looking forward for your feedbacks✨



    Hi Rimsha congrats on completing the challenge 🎉🎉

    your website looks just like the design. while reviewing your website, one mistake caught my eye, the filter by region dropdown list item cursor is not a pointer.

    Happy coding :)

  • @Fran-Sanabria


    Hello, this is my second challenge, I am still improving day by day, all the feedback received



    Hi Fran,

    congratulation on completing the challenge

    I just saw your code and like to give my one suggestion with your permission,

    1. Rather than using media queries throughout your CSS file you can put all your code related to that responsiveness in one place, It will be much cleaner and you have your particular device code in place.
    @media screen and (min-width:950px) {
            height: 268px;
            width: 268px;
            font-size: 21px;

    I hope it helps, Thanks. Happy coding :)

  • @MrEasty94


    Found this one quite a simple build. Had questions around whether or not to use background images as the source of the image for the perfume bottle (decided to go with bg images so I could change it based on a media query).

    Really going hard on coding mobile first, as I'm finding the media queries are becoming much smaller.

    Probably could do with tidying up the CSS a little bit, and maybe changing a couple of the class names so that they better represent the content but overall pretty happy with how this one turned out.



    Hi Michael,

    congratulation on completing the challenge

    I just saw your code and like to give you one suggestion

    1. instead of using an anchor tag on add cart, a button tag will be a better option for accessibility.

    I hope it helps, Thanks Happy coding :)

  • @freakyjones


    Hi Paula,

    congratulation on completing the challenge

    I just saw your code and like to give some suggestions with your permission,

    1. you can add another key to every object in the data.json and then map it for every bar so that you can change the color of the bars.

    2. Start using semantic HTML in your code. Here is a blog for you to get started with semantic HTML.

    If you want to know how to do this with only Js you can check out my solution.

    I hope it helps, Thanks happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful

  • @freakyjones


    Hello Clewis,

    congratulation on completing the challenge. I just saw your code, Here is my one suggestion that may help you in the future.

    Use of universal operator to get rid of the default browser Style instead of using margin:0, padding:0 for every device


    I hope it helps, Thanks Happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful

  • Chyunjet 620



    • I learned on how to greyed out a website, by using an absolute positioned div with bg color and opacity
    • I reinforced my JS skill on onclick function, if statement and create variable with get element by ID and class
    • First time using CSS custom properties to improve the readability of my code.

    -I would like to learn a faster way to code since it took me more than 6 hours to finish this. -I would like to learn more on responsive website, so that my image and text will be more responsive as the width getting bigger

    • ( - Remind me on what to do with box shadow
    • ( - Learned CSS Custom Properties in this video
    • ( - Learned VS code shortcut from here.

    You guys can go to the README at my github in the respository for more info.

    Please criticize my work (especially the responsive part), thanks. If there's some tips on faster coding, please help.



    Hi Jetyun, congratulation on completing the challenge

    I just saw your code, and here are my suggestion,

    • Using responsive units (rem, em,vh,vw) in your code will help you to make a responsive website.
    • Using min and max will also help you to make a responsive website.

    Here is one of my favorite videos regarding website responsiveness (

    I hope it helps. Happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful

  • @freakyjones


    Awesome, More power to you Luis Pellizzon.

    Happy coding :)

  • @abymani


    Setting navigational menu was difficult for me . I think my javascript code is not optimal it does work but there must be a way to do it better. any suggestions will be appreciated.



    Hi Abdul,

    congrats on completing the challenge

    I just saw your code, I would like to give some suggestions with your permission

    1. start using data attributes in your code, It will be much more efficient to change open and hide the nav and reduce the use of excessive javascript.
    2. try using a z-index while stacking multiple components in one place . Here is one of my favorite videos regarding z-index (

    hope it helps, Thanks Happy coding :)

  • @freakyjones


    Hi, fsuropaty,

    congratulation on completing the challenge.

    There is two way you can handle image responsiveness

    1. use it as a background image as per your code it will be like
      background-image:URL(image path);

    My solution also uses this method.

    1. The second method will be when we make img take a width of 100% so that it can inherit the parent container responsive property. The code will be something like
      width: 10rem;
    #imagesection img{

    I hope this helps. Happy coding:)

    Marked as helpful

  • @freakyjones


    Hi, Kapil,

    congrats on completing the challenge.

    I just saw your solution, Here is my one suggestion

    Wrap your mobile-bg and parent-bg images inside the individual parent div and give them 100% width of the parent. That can make your image responsive. Check my solution for reference.

    Hope this helps. Thanks, and happy coding :).

    Marked as helpful

  • Owsla 20



    I had a problem placing my project in the middle of the page, other than that, I didn't have any problems.



    Hi Owsla,

    congrats on completing the challenge.

    I just review your solution and it almost looks like the design, Here is some tips that can improve your solution

    1. Change the width of box content and box image div to 100%. It will make two div equal width.
    2. instead of using a margin for giving space between parent div and inside elements, padding will be an awesome choice.

    Hope it helps, Thanks, Happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful

  • @stepheigbe


    For some reason the images are not showing and I have tried every reason I know. Please help me out.



    Hi stepheigbe

    congrats on completing the challenge .

    1. If your current src for the Image is \media\product.jpg change it to ./media/product.jpg hopefully it will work.
    2. For the second Image change the src to ./media/iconcart.svg

    Thanks, Happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful

  • @margaridalsemedo


    Hey there! First challenge with Frontend Mentor,

    Do you folks have any suggestions of best practices? I feel that regarding the text style I wasn't super clear with my CSS.

    Feddback welcome.

    Thank you :)



    Hi Margarida,

    congratulation on completing this challenge. I just saw your code and would like to give some suggestions with your permission

    1. your border radius is not showing up in desktop view probably because your parent container card is much bigger than your child div card image. Try to give your parent a fixed height and then make your card-image container height 100% of the parent's height. in addition you can give your background image `{background-position:center, background-size:cover}.

    2. More space between the card text container and its content will greatly improve your UI.

    personally, i like to add {margin:0,padding:0} with *{box-sizing:border-box} for getting rid of default browser styles.

    hope it helps, Thanks, happy coding :)

  • @freakyjones


    Hi kounik,

    congratulation on completing this challenge.I just saw your code and would like to suggest two videos for learning more about website responsiveness and box-model, 1. //for website responsiveness 2. //for CSS box modal

    the 2nd video is pretty long if you don't want to watch the whole video, you can watch only the box-modal section.

    hopefully this help, Thanks, and happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful

  • @freakyjones


    Hello Ali, congratulation on finishing your challenge.

    I just saw your code and I would like to give some suggestions with your permission,

    1. keep your images in one folder. it will help you manage your project in long run.
    2. use a universal selector (*) to get rid of default browser styles like *{margin:0,padding:0,box-sizing:border-box}.
  • Markus 130



    What did you find difficult while building the project?

    • The images took some time to become responsive with the div
    • And my redundant css code



    Hello Markus, congrats on finishing the challenge.

    I saw your code and it's pretty awesome, I tried this challenge a while ago and was having a problem with the flexbox issue. Regarding your image responsiveness, I think there is another approach: making a parent image container and then putting the image inside of that div with a width of 100%. let me know your thoughts. Thanks

    Happy coding :)

  • Harsh Kumar 1,390



    While building the project I was unable to center the card body at the center perfectly so it consumes almost 1 hour to made it perfectly. I think I should focus on CSS position and flex property.



    Hi Harsh, Congratulation on completing the task . Also here is one of my favorite videos regarding the basics of HTML, and CSS. Hopefully, it will help you master HTML and CSS a lot faster.

  • @LysitheaDarkKnight


    Question 1: What is the best way to apply padding inside the menu text (Right of the image)? I did it by giving padding to the menu text container and margin to the "Gabrielle Essence Eau De Parfum" so I am not sure if it is an effective way of aligning my text inside.

    Question 2: Increasing the image of the Cart Icon inside the button would un-center the "Add to Cart" text. Is there a way to bypass this?



    @ LysitheaDarkKnight, congratulation on making this great solution.

    1. if you want to align your text, use the text-align center. I just saw your code, use of padding and I think it's a pretty decent way to achieve aligned goals, although I will suggest using either padding or margin to achieve your goal.

    2. you can make use of the path of SVG instead of using an image.

    Thanks, Happy coding

    Marked as helpful

  • @freakyjones


    Hello, @Edelrive just checked out your awesome solution. Here are some of the tricks you can use to improve your code .

    1. Using universal selector.
    2. using background-position as the center.
    3. Use flexbox basis on flex item when making equal width boxes.
    4. Removing excessive padding-top. Also here is one of my Favourite youtube videos regarding responsive design

    Happy coding...
