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  • ritik jain 130



    Before starting this challenge I thought it gonna take 3-4 days, but it took me almost 3-4 weeks. If anyone has tips on being a productive programmer please let me know. Would really appreciate any feedback :)



    Hi Ritik,

    The solution looks great on Desktop and Tablet mode ✨✨✨.

    The responsiveness can be improved between 770-1150px. The cart dropdown overflows the viewport when opened in this range..

  • @veronisab


    My third project here, and the first one with JavaScript!

    Cannot say that I feel fluent in js at all yet, but it is so much fun when your can add new functionality!



    Hi Veronica,

    Great solution 🔥🔥!!!

    Just a few points...

    The selected rating does not go back to normal when I select another rating. You can do this by removing the "selected" class from all the buttons first, and then adding the "selected" class on the clicked element.

    The hover on Rating does not change the font color to white.

  • @rachanahegde


    Hi! This is my second challenge and I learned CSS grid through Wes Bos's course.

    1. As far as I can tell, I was able to replicate the UI design well with CSS grid but I'd appreciate it if you could let me know if there's anything I missed.
    2. I'm not sure whether I overused divs in my HTML code but it seemed like the best way to structure all the different aspects of the card. If there's a way to streamline this more, let me know.

    Please feel free to point out anything that needs fixing, I'm still familiarising myself with CSS. Thanks for your help! :)



    The font-family for the links(change, proceed payment and cancel) can be set to "Red Hat Display" to match the design.

    Not an overuse of ''DIVS" but some extra "buttons" that could have been just replaced with divs(plan-btn) or a tags(cancel-btn). Semantically speaking, buttons should be signifiers that something can be clicked.

    Marked as helpful

  • Michelle 20



    Hi I would love feedback on if my code is messy and any tips for improve writing clean code...

    I also have a technical question regarding how to make the width of the underline that pops out when my mouse hovers over the menu links shorter?



    You have border-bottom for the underline so it will take the complete width of the text. For variable widths, you can use ::after pseudo element.

    You can also change .hamburger position from fixed to absolute, because the fixed hamburger appears even after scroll.

    You should set a fixed max-width on the .container so that it does cover the whole screen on bigger viewports.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    Looks good on desktop as well as mobile...

    Just around 1200px to the mobile breakpoint.. things are a little squeezed and start overlapping/overflowing. You can look into that area..

    Marked as helpful

  • OK169 605



    Everything seems to be working, but if you find an issue or have a suggestion on how to improve my code, or just want to ask me a question, I will be happy to hear from you!



    Great work man. ✌✌✌

    This is by far the best solution for this particular challenge that I've seen.

    Just a minor issue is that when changing the tip, the counter starts from undefined to and reaches upto the final calculated value. It's barely visible because of the speed of the counter but i thought I should mention it.

    Few improvements apart from this challenge would be to have a default tip and an active state for the bill input field after website load.

  • @aUnicornDev


    Okay so I looked into the issue regarding the radio buttons, tweaked some properties and may have found a fix.

    Use a border

    .selectionContainer_background .selectionContainer .rewards .csections .radio__control {
        border: .125em solid #bdbdbd;
    //other properties
    //other properties

    This might center things exactly. Also, there can be an issue that will be resolved by removing the transform: translateY(1px);

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    Set a max-width to your .card-container.

    The site looks good on both 1440px and 375px but is not fully responsive in the tablet sections. Also in these sections you will find the image is not covering the whole section of the container so you can try and use background images to fix those issues.

    Marked as helpful

  • SnowFox 100



    I would like to know your feedback as I used this project to learn a bit about bootstrap. I think my bootstrap class naming is a bit off. I might have used some classes not correctly. So if you can let me know, that would be grand. 😃



    When typing a large amount(>99), the total/person amount is not completely visible due to overflow..

    Everything else seems good and Thank God you have used a default Tip(5%) selected before hand. One minor improvement you can do is just turn the state of Bill amount input field to active.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev



    The site perfectly matches on 1440px so kudos on that.

    But if we move to a larger screens or smaller screens, the site isn't fully responsive because you have a breakpoint on 1024px and a min-width:1440px

    On mobile view, use background-position:center with background-image:url(...) because the images(hero, transform etc.) are pushed down

  • Tom 245



    Hello everyone,

    Hope you have a good day. This is my second exercise. I would like to receive any feedback or comment to help me improve my skills.

    Thanks so much.



    Few things to point out,

    1.Don't go to mobile view so early, you can shrink to upto 1000px and then go mobile

    2.You probably used outline property on hover because you didn't want the content to move the layout which would have happened in case you used border property.

    But the outline does not create a rounded hover but a rectangular one.

    A fix to that is.. use box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 2px #fff; instead of a border or outline..

    Marked as helpful

  • @sivakumarkatari2020


    Hello everyone, I think I developed this landing page as close to the design ,if you encounter any issues please let me know I will update. Thank you.



    The site is not mobile responsive.. so you can work on that.

    Also, set a max-width on your items as everything is stretched out on bigger viewports.

  • @jchapar


    Hello Everyone,

    One of my smallest yet biggest struggles was with the mobile css. On desktop, I have my container set as flex-box with the direction set as column. The two children inside are the columns div and attribution div. When I tried styling the mobile css, the attribution div kept staying in the center of the page. It would sit on top of the second (middle) column. I ended up simply putting the display to none but would love an explanation on what I could have done to still included it at the bottom.




    The height of 100vh on .columns limits sets a fixed height on columns grid and therefore the attribution is placed right next to the end of the 100vh of the grid.

    Try using a smaller height viewport and you will notice that the attribution sits just after a smallest vertical scroll.

    Remove that height.

    That also does not fix the issue because the first card will go above the screen which is even more confusing.

    And that is caused by another 100vh given to the .container. Because you have centered the flex within a 100vh, such misalignment occurs.

    Remove both the 100vh and this will work fine.

  • @aUnicornDev


    You have used position: absolute; on the Learn More button with a bottom:5%.

    This takes the button out of the normal flow of the card and fixes the button on the card. Changing the height of the button will not affect the height of the .items

    So, the content that remains in the card is just the SVG, the heading and the paragraph and the button is placed in the 5% padding given to .items

    When on smaller viewport, the value of 5% decreases, whereas the the dimensions of the button remain the same.

    Head over to my solution if you like, I've used flex in the card itself.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    You card does not have a fixed height to begin with. All the content in the cards and the padding, margins etc. of that content make up the height of the card.

    Due to different content in the <p> tag as you said, the height of the card varies.

    One solution to this is

    Use a fixed height card.. And set flex on the card in the column direction. Then you can use the padding to position the elements in the cards. Can set padding/margin to auto if you want to use variable padding/margin.

    Marked as helpful

  • @xup6u600504


    I didn't figure out some challenges:

    1. how to use rounded corners for just the outline of the combined 3 columns?
    2. why my icons cannot show properly on the website?

    Please kindly advise me on solving those problems. If there is anything else I could improve, please also feel free to give me comments. Thank you.



    These 3 items are flex items... and you always want to keep them in a single row. So get rid of flex-wrap as that will push a single item out of the row as it does in viewport <1420px.

    For rounded columns, you can use one of the below

        border-radius: 10px 0px 0px 10px;
        border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 0px;
     border-radius: 10px 0px 0px 10px;
        border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 0px;
  • @aUnicornDev


    Set a max-width on the container as it stretches out on bigger screens.

    Everything else looks good.👍

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    On smaller screens, the buttons are overlapping the content of the card because of the absolute positioning given to them.

    Instead, use flex on the .items class so that you can position them in accordingly.

    Set a max-width to the cards as they keep on stretching on bigger screens.

    Marked as helpful

  • glowes 50



    Hi there!

    I would like to know how to add a gap in between the buttons without affecting to much the 'padding'/position of them , so they could have the same visual style as in the model(smaller and spread).

    Also if anyone had add the theme whats the best way to do so? changing the values by theme by adding a new class in Javascript or changing individual html elements.

    Thanks in advance, any constructive critics are welcome.



    The reason why you had to use a padding-bottom of 100px on .inputContainer is because the grid is a little defective. You used percentages on your grid-template-rows and columns and a gap of 15px. The percentages would take up the the specified percent width and will not take into account the gap that you set in the grid.

    Use this instead:

    grid-template-rows: repeat(5,1fr);
    grid-template-columns: repeat(4,1fr);

    This will create the exact grid you wan as it will take the gap into consideration and hen calculate the value of 1fr(Fractional Unit).

    Then you can easily change the whole grid size in order to set the buttons as you like.

    For the theme, use CSS variables in defining the basic colors of buttons, background, etc. and change them using JS on change of the theme switch.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    Use 100% on body instead of 100vw because the 100vw is causing an overflow on the viewport <1400px.

    The reason is that a 100vw will not take into account the width of the vertical scrollbar, and thus 100vw+scrollbarWidth will create a horizonal scroll whereas 100% width will take the vertical scrollbar into consideration as well.

    I like the layout for the image being on top on smaller screens but the image is covering the whole viewport.. and the contend is pushed out. Might wanna look into that.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    It really depends on the use case.

    If you want to place social icons in a row, go for flexbox. If you want to make something like a big area with cards like YouTube thumbnails, go for Grid.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    It's responsive enough.

    But you can set a max-width to your cards so that on larger screens(>1400px), the card does not stretch too much.

    The <img> tag for the card image is making the image shrink at some screensize... Try using background-image instead.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aUnicornDev


    I liked that you are being honest about it.😂

  • Grojd 40



    What units (px, %, em, rem) should I use? Thank you <3



    I was of the same mentality where I wanted to use a single/two unit(s) for all the measurements. But after some experience, realized that units of measurement are made for a reason. To apply them where they fit the most. There is a reason we have meters and centimeters(we can easily measure everything in Centimeters if we want to.)

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