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All comments

  • Madhavan 280



    I have completed this as my 8th challenge in Frontend Mentors. I am glad to accept any feedback and suggestions regarding the accessibility and the techniques that I have used to develop the webpage.

    I have learnt and used the grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns for making the grid responsive

    .container {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-rows: repeat(2, minmax(1fr, max-content));
      grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
    @media only screen and (max-width: 650px) {
      .container {
        width: 31rem;
        grid-template-rows: repeat(3, minmax(max-content, 1fr));
        grid-template-columns: 1fr;

    Please check this approach whether it is a correct one or not.

    Advance thanks for any comments 🫡.



    Hi @Madhavan,

    I would remove grid completely from the mobile view, if you disable it yourself in the Dev Tools you will see that it's not doing anything useful.

    Better solution would be to include it in the media query on the resolution you actually need it, in that way you don't need to override anything.

    Also I would like to +1 the previous posters response about width/min-width/max-width. In general it is advisable to not use width/height on elements because that can lead to overflow issues etc...

    Happy coding!

    Cheers, Miran

  • @momorocks111


    The difficult thing was finding the correct dimensions for the mobile view. It's at 375px when it changes from desktop to mobile, is that normal?



    Hi momorocks,

    regarding breakpoints sizes i believe they are only recommendations how the page should look like on a given browser width, which doesn't mean if the 375px is the mobile screenshot that everything from 375px higher should be desktop or tablet view. It is up to the developer to judge where is the sweet spot to translate the design from mobile to tablet/desktop and vice versa. Usually when things start to fall apart quite drastically it's time to think of placing appropriate breakpoints in the code.

    For instance I've put breakpoint at the 640px browser width because i found that this is the sweet spot for everything to look good. Keep in mind that there are probably far less devices that have resolutions in a range from 500-600px so not every device width is equally important in that matter. You should focus more on device breakpoint ranges. Here is the quick google for that matter:

    Mobile devices – 320px — 480px. iPads, Tablets – 481px — 768px. Small screens, laptops – 769px — 1024px. Desktops, large screens – 1025px — 1200px. Extra large screens, TV – 1201px, and more.

    Keep coding, Miran

  • @kirawesh


    Hello everyone! 👋

    Thanks for checking my solution code to the 3-column preview card component challenge

    At my learning process I learned how to use in nth-child in stylesheet in order to use different styles instead creating more classes.

    .col:nth-child(1) button {
      color: var(--bright-orange);
    .col:nth-child(2) button {
      color: var(--dark-cyan);
    .col:nth-child(3) button {
      color: var(--very-dark-cyan);

    also I learned how to use in outline method for button activity states, because somehow, using in border method, expanded other elements size.

    .col .button:hover {
      background: none;
      outline: 2px solid var(--background-headings-buttons);
      color: var(--background-headings-buttons);

    I'm happy to see that after 6 challenges I did, the process of coding became faster for me.

    Built with

    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • CSS custom properties
    • Flexbox
    • CSS Grid
    • Desktop-first workflow



    Hi Kira,

    congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Getting faster and more confident is a nice feeling isn't it?

    Now let's get back to feedback. I won't go into semantics because previous poster reviewed that part. The part i'm most interested is the CSS and i think there are some improvements to be made there.

    1. line 44 of style.css has some invalid properties which can be inspected in Dev Tools, this is on .columns declaration.
    2. you have used border-radius on a single .col elements and make your job more difficult and styles harder to mantain, you can instead put all rounded corners on parent div .columns because no matter what the direction on the cards is they will always have all four corners rounded, also you need to apply overflow:hidden on a parent to stop children's background to spread outside of the corners
    3. most of the spacing here on the platform is based on a 16px value which is 1rem by browsers default, you can apply that logic when dealing with margin/padding spacing stuff, if it's 24 it is 1.5rem/em, 32 is 2rem/em etc. I found the best way to use rem's for applying layout stuff and spacing around text is easier with em because it is calculated based on font size of an element. For example: h1 has a font-size of 24px, and margin bottom of 12px, if your h1 grows on the larger viewport you need to manually enlarge the bottom margin. if you use 1.5rem as a base font size, and put 0.5em as a margin top, when you enlarge you font-size margin will always be 50% of that font size because em is relative to the element's font-size.
    4. i've noticed that you declared your custom properties with this naming convention:
      --lexend-deca: 'Lexend Deca', 'sans-serif';
      --big-shoulders-display: 'Big Shoulders Display', 'sans-serif';

    this is somehow limited because if font is about to be changed you would also need to change the name to because it doesn't make any sense to have custom property --lexend-deca which points to open sans font for instance. that way you are playing cat and mouse because now you have to replace all the instances of this font throughout the whole stylesheet and you made yourself a recipe for disaster. Better way would be to name it like a --font-base with --font-heading for example. 5. also i would suggest to take a look at some of the modern CSS resets to just have a clean start each time, you can adjust it to your needs later if you need to or add couple of things if you find necessary

    Andy Bell reset

    Josh Comeau reset

    Both of them did a great job with explaining all the individual rules they created so check them out!

    Keep coding and see you on another challenge!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • @Mohit-k-Mummon


    Hello, I had fun with this project as I learned how to use SwiperJs for creating modern touch sliders. I used a padding container for the two halves of the page the slider intersects because I didn't know how to make the carousel overflow the padding on the body. I appreciate you taking the time to look at my code, any feedback is appreciated!



    Hi Mohit,

    congratulations on completing this challenge!

    As I've just submitted my take on this one earlier today I have something to compare on to. I think your solutions looks and behaves quite nice. I really like subtle hover effect on Services cards and i would recommend using this kind of effect on loading animations too. My personal feeling is that they are way too much for greeting you when you load the page every time and I would suggest toning it down a bit. Maybe some staggering loading animation on cards would be better idea. Maybe something like this

    I noticed that you have the same issue with vertical alignment of the text in the buttons like i had and the solution to that is quite simple:

    .btn::after {
        content: '';
        display: inline-block;
        height: 1.75em;
        vertical-align: middle;

    The problem and the solution are explained on this link

    Keep coding!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • @miranlegin


    Hi Cheosphere,

    congratulations on completing this challenge!

    I'm impressed how you did this challenge because in my view there are probably 20% or more code which is definitely not needed here and i think you made yourself life much harder with this one. There are lots of hard-coded values especially on the height of elements and with things like that life can be so much harder when you need to maintain all that stuff.

    What probably bothers me the most is the sizing of the actual buttons for the slider. They are really hard to click because they are to small, you can read some info on setting size on buttons.

    Other that that it would be better to use button element instead of a a tag here also because a have different purpose. It is used primarily for links.

    Also when i click on the slider buttons there is an instant scrollbar to the right side which is causing content to jump from right to left and back an is easily avoidable with probably smaller value for scale.

    Blockquote tag and an H2 could be switched with flex-direction: column is you wanted to switch their places without using negative order on the blockquote itself. Also i'm not an expert it semantics but i don't think that blockquote is used properly here.

    Key takeaway from this is to try and make yourself life easier without fighting the layout so much. You've used all the techniques for positioning so you already have some knowledge but using it rightly takes some time and practice.

    Keep coding!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Dave 5,245



    This is my second project using React and first using styled components. I put some details in the readme, but some issues/questions I have are:

    • One issue I had with styled components is keeping track of whether the components in the file were now React components or styled components! I also struggled mapping the styled components to the rendered DOM in the dev tools, which made debugging a bit tricky in some cases. How to people manage this?
    • 'React.useEffect` is asking for additional dependencies in a couple of places in board.js (see FIXMEs). The only way I could get the app deployed was to ignore them. If I add them as suggested I end up with infinite loops. I wasn't sure how to deal with this if any one knows how to deal with this I would love to know.
    • Board.js is a bit of a monster, I had a look at refactoring things, but I couldn't see any obvious ways to do this. I considered moving the remaining game logic functions out, but they all change state so this didn't seem sensible. Any suggestions would be welcome!

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions and feedback. Cheers Dave



    Hi Dave, congratulations on completing this challenge!

    I'm no expert in React by any means, even struggle in Javascript a bit so can't comment on that part. So I will comment on some things that I can see and think they can slightly improve user experience.

    I knew when i saw the notification that you completed another challenge that i won't be disappointed and you prove me right again. I think you did an awesome job on this one. Everything is working like expected, there were no hiccups or anything strange to happen. I tried it on a 27" Desktop and a 6" Smartphone. Restarting browser to continue where you left of is working like expected.

    So let's get started with some of the minor improvements in my opinion:

    1. when you are playing with the mouse i would love the see the cursor:pointer on the buttons. It is such a minor thing but in my opinion it is definitely needed here
    2. on the intro screen where you are choosing your opponent i would love to see marginally taller buttons (CPU vs PLAYER), it is slightly awkward to hit it on the smartphone device
    3. when your opponent is CPU just some delay to give impression that CPU is calculating his next move, to be more immersed in the experience of a game

    Looking forward to see you next challenges!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • @Workablery


    I had a lot of fun with this challenge! The HTML / CSS part was quite easy but the Javascript part took a lot of work, it was not easy.

    Thanks to the two people who helped me with the radio button. Without them, I would never have made it!

    If you could give me feedback on my code, that would be great!

    Tip Calculator





    Hi Greg,

    first of all congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Using it for a couple of minutes i encountered some problems along the way and i will document it here.

    Starting from top to bottom:

    1. it is possible to enter non-numerical characters into inputs
    2. when i enter first character in the "bill" field there is a validation message in the "number of people" field, not necessary in my opinion
    3. if you enter something in the "bill" and "people" fields there should be a calculation for "total / per person"
    4. if you select "10%" from the predefined values and enter any number in "custom" field 10% is left as active
    5. when all 3 steps are populated ("bill" = 100, "tip" = 10%, "number" = 1) and you want to change the number of people, only "tip amount" is changed and not "total"
    6. if i enter 2 persons, and 200$ next nothing is happening, no calculation is done

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • shan1y 190



    Added authentication and authorization but haven't made a bookmarks table in MySQL so that it only shows bookmarks of whoever logs in. Future implementation will include this






    Hi shan1y,

    i would like to take a look at your project as it looks quite interesting but am stuck at the login page, did you add some dummy accounts for demo purposes or i need to create account for this? I tried looking at the github repo Readme file but couldn't find anything.

    Thanks, Miran

  • @kostyafarber


    A fun challenging project!

    Enjoyed using loops in SCSS and using some JavaScript. This was a suitable layout to use a grid.

    Had some trouble getting the image to scale up in the footer on the mobile design so if anybody has some tips would be much appreciated!

    Thanks for checking it out.



    Hi Kostya,

    congratulations on finishing this challenge.

    Regarding footer image you could do couple of things depending which route you want to go. Analysing the design you can calculate how much of vertical space this footer image takes and plan accordingly with markup and CSS.

    For example, if i remember correctly footer takes 25% of viewport height so you could create a grid or flex container with 2 rows and set top row for 75% and bottom for 25% of vh. That way you will always get perfectly sizes footer space. Next you could center the icons with display: grid; place-content:center; on the footer itself. Next step is to scale the background image. You could do something like this.

    background-image: url(pattern-hills.svg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 50% 0%;
    background-size: cover;

    This way you are telling the image to not repeat itself, that to be positions always in the center on X-axis, and on top on the Y-axis, and last to stretch and cover all the available space.

    So final footer styling would look something like this:

    footer {
        background-image: url(pattern-hills.svg);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 50% 0%;
        background-size: cover;
        display: grid;
        place-content: center;

    One more thing i've noticed is that when the numbers are changing you are getting minor shifts in the layout. You can fix it by adjusting the width tiny bit just to make sure that wider characters can fit in the design. Best way would be in my opinion to set width: 3ch; which is character width unit. If you are interested you can find more info about it here

    Keep coding! Cheers, Miran

  • @FelipeDaCosta


    Feedbacks welcome. Had a really hard time adjusting element positioning due to the varying size of the advices. How should I deal with this kind of situation?



    Hi Felipe,

    congratulations on completing this challenge!

    I suppose you are talking about positioning button element and if you are the solutions is pretty simple actually. All you need to do is get rid of height declaration on .advice-card container, that way you are making height more fluid and based on length of the text. Now your button is nicely positioned on a bottom edge of the container and all you need to do is push it (transform) somehow to the bottom even more. You can do that by transforming it on a Y-axis with: transform: translateY(50%);. That should fix the problem you are having.

    Keep coding!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • @miranlegin


    Hi Mok,

    first of all congratulations on completing this challenge!

    I think your solution looks great, i really like the slider feel of the page when you move between planets. You did a great job with this project.

    Like always there are things that can be improved so let's get started.


    1. on screens larger than 24" there is a lot of white-space bellow the content, i think that can be improved with some calculations regarding available height etc.. to create more balanced look
    2. also on Venus page, third tab "Surface Geology" has somewhat longer text and shifts the whole page up and down when you toggle between other tabs on this page; same experience can be seen on other pages aswell
    3. below 1200px of resolution when the navigation wraps below the logo after the transition ends page shifts from the top for around 20px or so, it seems like when animation is active whole thing is shifted up and when it finished it goes back down for some reason

    Mobile: navigation when active is placed near the top of the page, needs some shifting down because right now if covering the logo area a bit,

    .el-dialog__wrapper {
        height: calc(92vh + 4px);

    needs to be

    .el-dialog__wrapper {
        height: calc(92vh - 27px);

    at least on my machine.

    Other than that like i said earlier it is great attempt and nothing major to add here.

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • @Diamo-B


    This is the first project that made me feel actually cornered like hell, can someone pls gimme some pieces of advice especially in the responsivity part of the CSS code? I'll really appreciate it. Happy Coding :D



    Hi Bachar,

    first of all congratulations on completing this challenge!

    At first everything seems to be working fine but if you scratch the surface a bit you will find some things that can be improved. Let's get started!

    1. when you click the + sign multiple times you will notice that the button is slightly changing position left/right. this is because every number has different width so the whole thing is slightly shifting from left to right. let's assume that nobody is going to put more than 99 sneakers in the basket to our safe bet is to limit the width of the number container to 2 characters. in css that would be 2ch. more info on ch units also as this is not monospaced font more info on monospaced fonts we can be safe and put 2.25ch and also align that number to the right hand side with text-align: right
    2. another example with shopping cart, if you add more than 1 item when you want to remove article from the card you need to remove it 1 by 1, i'm not so sure about this practice and i would suggest to remove all of the from the cart unless otherwise is stated in the challenge brief
    3. when you open the modalbox with images you will see that icons are not aligned properly in the circle, that is only 1 part of the problem, another is that better practice would be to create button elements that you can style with background-images and attach click event listeners on button itself, also remove onclick attribute from markup itself
    4. menu-icon also has inline eventlistener so you can follow same advice as for buttons in a modalbox
    5. on mobile view when you open the menu if you inspect it in the devtools you can see that categories div is much wider than the body itself. that is because you are working in content-box model which calculates your width: 100% and adds padding: 1.5em 1.5em so you end up with 100% + 3em which is wider than 100% obviously. to fix that you can add
    /* apply a natural box layout model to all elements, but allowing components to change */
    html {
      box-sizing: border-box;
    *, *:before, *:after {
      box-sizing: inherit;

    to revert to border-box model which is much easier to work with more info on box-sizing

    Keep coding!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    I'm not sure why we are given breakpoints for mobile and desktop in the challenge specs when the component itself (the QR code card) is not responsive.

    Anyway, this is just my first try. :-)



    Hi Matias,

    first of all congratulations on completing your first project!

    As you progress through the challenges you will notice that all projects have breakpoints set in style guide as this is sort of boilerplate common for all the challenges here. That being said that doesn't mean you must follow them strictly in your attempts to create breakpoints in your CSS. They serve as a guideline to how design should work and look like at certain breakpoints. It is your responsibility to choose correct breakpoints regarding content that is provided in challenge itself.

    Hope that makes it somewhat clearer.

    Keep coding! Cheers

    Marked as helpful

  • Gabriela 100



    Hi everyone!

    It took me quite some time to figure out this challenge. I thought it was going to be easier to break it down, but I soon learned that I was mistaken.

    The big game changer for me was understanding how to better uses classes with JavaScript. This has opened so many possibilities for problem solving and that was very exciting.

    I do have a question for the community: I have chosen to disable the buttons that allow the user to select a percentage, after the first selection is done. But I find that it is quite bad UI that when the user hovers on top of the disabled buttons they would see the changes in the hovering state. I have tried to find a solution to disable the hovering style once the buttons were disabled, but I was not successful. Does anyone have any idea how I could tackle that?

    Thank you in advance for your help, comments or feedback!



    Hi Gabriela,

    you can use :not pseudo class with conjunction with attribute selector [disabled] which you added to the buttons to form something like this for example: button:not([disabled]):hover and place the rest of the rules inside this selector like this:

    button:not([disabled]):hover {
        background-color: hsl(172, 57%, 75%);
        color: hsl(183, 100%, 15%);

    I would also add cursor: pointer on hover on buttons just to get more logic in appearance.

    One more thing i noticed now is that if user enters some values in the calculator and selects "wrong" tip value and wants to change it, the only way to change a tip percentage selection is to reset everything and starts from scratch. Better way in my opinion would be to not disable buttons after initial chosen option. The path of least resistance is the answer ;)

    Keep coding!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • Gabriela 100



    Hi everyone!

    This was my first time working with an API independently (without following a tutorial). It was quite straightforward and really helped me build confidence to take on bigger challenges with APIs.

    My biggest struggle was with the positioning of the button. I am not really happy with how I solved it, and I will look into other solutions to find something more efficient. If you have any advice, I am happy to hear it.

    Any feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Thank you in advance!



    Hi Gabriela,

    congratulations on completing this challenge!

    I have couple of suggestions to make this even better in my opinion.

    1. styling elements based on their name instead of css value is not flexible because i would suggest that you use <q> instead of <h2> for the quote itself. Not only it is better from semantic point of view but the added benefit is that you get quotation marks by default. More info here
    2. remove the height completely like previous commenter explained because when working with dynamic data you can never know how much of a text there is

    Keep coding!

    Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • Luca 350



    Not sure how to correctly resize the amount tag that pops up above the bar charts when in mobile view, currently the amount doesn't fit perfectly inside the tag box.

    Expenses Chart Component





    Hi lgorvin,

    congratulations on completing this challenge!

    It seems that you have complicated life for yourself rotating the whole graph and then rotating labels itself once more. I would suggest getting rid of px based values for width and replace them with percentage or even better not using width's at all. You could for instance create a grid/flex container and separate bar charts with column-gap and leave to the browser to decide about their respective width's.

    Regarding your original question about amount tag and styling it in mobile version i don't think that is necessary to try to fit text inside bubble. Better approach would be to style the bubble to fit the text only with side padding. Also the amount tag bubble is somewhat wider than bar chart so keep that in mind, you don't need to chase the same width for these two different elements.

    It seems to me that you've used Tailwind or something similar so i'm not familiar with right approach using this framework but try to stick with basics and don't overthink things like rotate etc...

    Keep coding! Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • @miranlegin


    Hi Nwobodo,

    congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Overall you did a great job and it seems to me that everything is working like it should.

    I've found one thing that i think you can improve regarding price bubble that slides up when you hover over the columns.

    If you inspect this element in the dev tools and apply this 2 properties you will see for yourself.

    visibility: visible; opacity: 1;

    The issue is when you are hovering over the columns price bubble is interfering with your mouse cursor and animation have some glitchy thing going on. I suggest that you move price bubble on the top side even slightly over the column bars and animate it below. Other that that great job!

    Keep coding! Cheers, Miran

    Marked as helpful

  • @miranlegin


    Hi all,

    another challenge completed but with lots of headaches along the way. I'm having some issues around spacing elements on the page as i'm trying to approach things with more holistic approach like flexible typography and using clamp/min/max functions etc. Figma/Sketch files would be helpful in some way but as i'm reading more and more about Tailwind i'm really interested in which way this exercise would be beneficial of using Tailwind instead of plain old class styling css/scss. I'm always having troubles regarding vertical rhythm of the page and fluidity of responsive design. Any suggestions as always would be really beneficial.

    Keep coding! Miran



    Hi Sahand,

    thanks for your time and comments. I've made some changes to the project and fixing the image dimensions in the first place made some room for additional improvements on font-sizes and padding in the text area on the side.

    I agree that including framework without understanding underlying mechanism that CSS is based on can be counter productive in some way. What i'm interested most is if some predefined utilities for spacing/margin/padding values can be beneficial for handling vertical rhythm on the page.

    Interesting read about vertical rhythm's

    Anyhow thanks again!

    Cheers, Miran

  • P



    How to Play

    • You pick a "token" to see if you beat the house.
    • Chances of winning are always 50%-50%; you will never tie.
    • You can switch between "normal" mode and "bonus" mode by clicking logo image
    • Both normal and bonus mode scores are saved in localStorage so they will persist on the next visit to the page


    • While there were a lot of colors included in the style guide, I had to guess some of them from the design screenshots (eg: edge of tokens, shadows, focus glow).
    • To accommodate CSS transitions, I have a lot of high specificity selectors, so I feel the CSS is kind of bloated, and any hints as to how to simplify it would be appreciated.
    • Since there are a lot of transitions, I included the will-change property, but I've also read this can put on a strain on resources. I didn't notice a drop in performance either with or without it, so maybe it would be better to go without?
    • For the rules dialog on big screens, I wanted it to appear in the middle of the page regardless of window size, but I could only get it to work by setting the elements top property and animating it. I know animating the top property requires a re-paint of the page and thus is not high-performance. If anyone can think of a way to get the rules dialog exactly centered on the page without using it, please let me know.
    • I had to figure out what the coordinates of the position of each tokens around a circle was using trigonometry and putting each final value in by hand. Would there be a better way to figure it out with the calc function?
    • I'm using quite a few CSS variables, but I feel like I could have done more to make it more DRY. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
    • In Safari, the SVG images get really blurry when scaled; I looked around but couldn't find a solution that fixed it. Please let me know if there's anything I could have done!


    • since this isn't some article/typical HTML and has lots of interaction/animations, I was kind of stuck as to how to organize the HTML. Is there a better way to lay this out?



    Hi Aaron,

    just wanted to congratulate you on this challenge and i think you made a excellent job on this one. Animations, easing, timing, everything is working smooth and fluid. Attention to details and amount of small minor things you think about is really awesome.

    Anyhow keep up the good work.

    Cheers, Miran

  • Lenez 440



    1. I'm still not sure to determine the position whether to use flexbox or by using float
    2. when to use img tags and div tags
    3. is it right to use flexbox or grid



    Hi Lenez,

    congratulations on completing this challenge! You did a great job here and there are only couple of tweaks to make it even better in my opinion.

    1. remove the height on main element, you will see that the text__content is no longer nicely spaced vertically so you can fix it by adding padding to top and bottom sides od text__content
    2. you can replace the product__image div with picture element and put inside both images for mobile and desktop versions accordingly. there is an example on my channel regarding this technique and you can learn more information on this article Picture element with art direction
    3. as you already have border-radius declared on main tag, you don't need to declare it once again on product-image, just add overflow:hidden to hide anything that might stick outside of it

    Keep coding!

  • @abanZaman125


    Main questions:

    1. How can I make the 'flex' property consider padding, margin, and border when growing or shrinking my text container (like box-sizing: border-box)?
    2. Was the perfume-image-div needed around my picture/image element? Or could I have applied 'flex:1' to the image/picture and not used the surrounding div?
    3. Is there a way to change the height and width of an SVG?
    4. Why does the perfume image not automatically stay the same size as its parent (perfume-image-div) - I have to write width: 100% for it to resize.

    I would love constructive criticism and any other analysis.



    Hi Aban,

    first of all congratulation on completing this challenge.

    Now let's dive in to your questions:

    1. not sure what you mean by that, can you explain a bit clearer what you are trying to achieve?
    2. you don't need div around picture element, it depends how you want to style it (grid, flex, float etc..)
    3. of course, you can create <img> tag and load that svg as a src attribute and style it accordingly with width or height attribute if needed
    4. if you inspect perfume-image-div in the Dev Tools you will see that it is the same height as text-container beside it, so one way to fix the height of an image is to put height:100% but that will also change it's aspect ratio so you can fix that with object-fit:cover to bring it back to original aspect ratio

    Additional notes:

    1. i think the media query for switching the layout is to narrow, i would make it around 600px for example
    2. also i believe that it would be better to serve mobile image directly in the <img> tag and set desktop one in the <source>, you will load the smaller file size image if user is using mobile

    Keep coding!

  • P



    Any ideas to keep the planet from shifting the entire page on swap? I'm thinking maybe a minimum height.

    Planets Fact Site





    Hi Travis,

    congratulations on completing this challenge. Looks like a lot of fun. Since i don't have Pro subscription i'm not able to view design files but looking at the preview screens it seems to me that image on the desktop version takes at least 2/3 of the window width so i would wrap the image inside the container and center it accordingly. Jumps are happening because the content on every page is not the same and flexbox works in a way to make additional room if needed sort of speak.

    Also this layout reminds me of sticky footer kinda thing and there is definitely more than enough room to stretch the page to the bottom. Sticky Footer

    Keep coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • Lucas 👾 104,580



    👾 Hello, Frontend Mentor coding community. This is my solution for the Huddle Landing Page With Curved Sections.

    I added some features:

    • 😎 I recreated the logo as a SVG (this way I could animate it).
    • 👻 I added an animation on the logo (chat-box icon flip and turn).
    • 👨‍🔬 Some custom design improvements.

    Happy to hear any feedback and advice!



    Hi Lucas,

    you did a great job on this challenge but i think you can improve it even more with couple minor adjustments:

    1. if you look at the page at 421px you can see in the header that the logo is overlapping with the button. @media (max-width: 420px) { .flex-header {...
    2. social icons in footer are kinda messy when you hover over them, i will suggest making link slightly taller and animate only the icon inside the <a> tag
    3. also minor visual adjustment regarding little bit of padding on the newsletter input just to make some extra room for text

    Other than that great job, i really like the logo animation!

    Keep coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @miranlegin


    Hi Yunus,

    regarding input fields you can do some improvements

    1. use appropriate input types for form fields MDN documentation on Input Types especially for mobile users because keyboard is different for every input type
    2. for numbers you can go with both input type="number" or input type="tel", there are couple of differences though so you can explore more on the link
    3. also there is a way to limit number of characters in form fields with maxlength atribute; for example maxlength="2"
    4. for MM field you know the minimum and maximum values accepted so you can add min or max attributes aswell
    5. another attribute worth considering is pattern where you can specify accepted values as a regex pattern; for example pattern=="[0-9]{1,2}"

    Before: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="month" placeholder="MM" autocomplete="off">

    After: <input type="number" maxlength="2" min="1" max="12" pattern=="[0-9]{1,2}" title="Only numbers from 1 to 12" placeholder="MM">

    Keep coding!

    Marked as helpful
